Ch. 2 Reilly

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Love, Fangs And Bloodlust 

Chapter 2


It was definitely a chilly night. I thought Florida was supposed to be a warm state and here we are in the low 50's F, and it would be dropping again in the next few evenings. I finally arrived at the back door of my friend's restaurant when I noticed a girl getting ready to get into her car. She seemed to grow a bit nervous at something then hurriedly jumped in her car, shutting and locking the door behind her. Hmm, that's odd. I wonder if John managed to piss off yet another girl. Of course that thought just brought a smile to my face. Making eye contact with her I stopped smiling and just watched her, after a few moments I finally went in to the warmth leaving the beauty to leave without an audience.

"Hey John! Did you piss off another woman tonight?" I asked grinning, shaking his hand and pulling him into a half hug.

"Hey Reilly," he responded to my 'greeting.' His expression to my question was priceless, all I could do was chuckle at that. Coming to, he finally shook his head and responded, "No, why?" confusion still plain on his face.

Man, I loved messing with John. I laughed at his expression before taking a breath to respond. "Because some chick just got into her car like she was pissed or scared. I thought it was pissed, maybe you scared her." I chuckled again, earning a glare from John getting me to laugh some more.

He continued to glare at me for a short time, but finally he sighed and asked while shaking his head at me, "What did she look like?"

"Chestnut brown hair, about five foot six, creamy skin, and wearing a waitress uniform. Kind of spunky looking if I do say so myself." I added thinking about her curvy figure and the way she moved.

John must have seen my eyes and recognized my expression because he snapped his fingers in front of me. Once I snapped out of it, I scowled at him unsure why he was snapping his fingers at me. He finally spoke after glaring at me a moment, "She is off limits no matter who you are."

Dread coursed through my veins, causing me to look as if someone had just told me I had just lost my best friend. After a few moments I finally looked at him, "You sure?!" He nodded crossing his arms and leaning against a counter. "Man, that sucks! Such a beauty too!"

"I know, trust me I know. Her name is Akira Salena, just out of high school. Sweet girl too and great waitress. She handled the weekend group perfectly, and no one trained her. She must have been watching David and committing things to memory." John thought a moment and looked down at the floor thinking hard about something. His whole demeanor changed then he looked up at me. "David never came in to work tonight, never called either."

I barked back at him, "Why am I finding this out now?!" I changed my attitude realizing his reaction to my words and his saddened expressions. "Do we have any ideas where he is?" I asked a bit nicer.

He nodded slowly once, "Only one."

I cursed and punched the nearby wall putting a dent into the drywall. Great, that would have to be fixed and David found. This is a very bad week. David wasn't like me, but he was a friend, and was supposed to be left alone. I sighed and rubbed my face with my hands. After a short time, I looked up at John and let my hands fall to my legs placing my hands partially into the pockets of my jeans. "I need to go John, my father and brother need to know about this." He only nodded and stood up straight as I turned and left. This wasn't good.

The next day, David still hadn't called or showed up for work, no one had seen him or heard from him. He vanished. One day he was at work, went home and was not heard from again. This sucked. My father nor brother knew anything. No one in their circles knew anything nor heard anything from our enemies. They had gone silent, wow what a pun. I visited Akira at her job and sat in her section ordering something easy then gave her a pretty good tip. She was pretty, and a great waitress. As I was leaving, the big group came in and she ran off to get them their drinks and food orders. I left, not wanting anywhere near them. Bad blood there. Ha, another pun! I was on a roll. My father had called a meeting with the council and being his youngest son, I had to be there.

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