Ch. 1 Life Changeing

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Love, Fangs And Bloodlust 

Chapter 1: Life Changing

Running.... Just have to keep running... My clothes are torn, multiple scratches and bruises everywhere it seems and I am so thirsty I can't really swallow or even make a sound... Suddenly out of nowhere a crow flies in front of me and starts screeching at me.. Wait, that isn't a crow sound, that sounds like.... A harsh annoying beeping? It's night time, why is the bird even around? Suddenly the bird flew at me and continued beeping/squawking in my face...

My eyes flew open as I sat up in bed looking around my room. The beeping continued until I realized it was just my stupid alarm clock. I stopped it and sighed as I slid out of bed. "It was just a dream." I say to myself as I stand there on the side of my bed trying to calm my racing heart.

I finally look over at my alarm clock and sigh, 6:00am, how wonderful. It was still spring break, well for those actually in school. Not for me though, nope. Today I get to go see what the real world will be like the rest of my life. Work. Then of course, college courses in the fall, with more work. I shook my head, sighed then headed for my closet to get dressed. Black tennis shoes, black suit type pants, black shirt, and of course my apron. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I did the dream of every teenage girl: get out of high school and become a waitress. Please, please for my sanity, notice the sarcasm dripping from my words! As I looked in the mirror once more to make sure I looked okay, I shook my head and sighed with a 'Here goes nothing' action.

The drive to the restaurant, as with everywhere else, was boring, nothing to comment on. I pulled my car into the back parking lot behind the restaurant, grabbed the rest of my things, then headed inside. Oh joy, busy already. Did I mention that they opened early in the morning for breakfast? Sucks, really freaking totally sucks! I throw a smile at the host and make my way to the back to stow my belongings in a locker.

"Akira, oh good you made it." Smiled the shift manager as I was tying my apron strings.

I smiled and nodded really wishing she didn't have to be so freaking bubbly in the morning. I glanced to make sure my hair was up, then turned to her for the inspection. As I turned, I quickly glanced at the name tag, 'Ah, yes. Mary.' I smiled thinking to myself, eternally grateful for the name tag. "Do I look okay, Mary?"

Mary nodded and smiled, then went on her way to train me. I would tag along with her for a short time then tag along with one of the wait staff. It wasn't my dream job, but I was beginning to like it there due to the other employees. Jessica had me tag along with her for a few orders then David had me follow him around, sexiest guy I had seen in a while. After a few tag alongs, he let me take down an order, get them their drinks and even get the food. I made one slight mistake and the lady at the table nearly went crazy. I immediately apologized, took the mistake away and had the plate fixed and back in front of her in a few short minutes. When dessert came, everything went smoothly. When the bill was placed in front of her husband, he noticed their dessert missing.

"No sir, it wasn't a mistake." I smiled at them both then added, "It's on me." They looked at me in shock. After excusing myself, I was called over to another table that needed a refill on a drink. Drink taken care of, I made my way back to my table where there was over a twenty percent tip. I just smiled and stuffed it in my pocket.

"Akira, Mary wants to see you, then you can go home. See you tomorrow." David smiled and walked off to a beckoning couple.

Making my way to the back of the restaurant, untying my apron strings and found Mary who was giving instructions to one of the kitchen workers. When she turned and spotted me, she smiled and motioned me into the office.

"Akira, David told me about the mistake on one of the orders," she said with a calm face. Oh great, here comes the chewing out, I thought as I waited nervously for her to continue. She smiled then continued, "I was also very pleased when I heard what you did to make up for it. You are a great asset to us here." 

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