Chapter Twenty-One

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Avery stared at the pool, its stillness haunting her. All she needed to do was get in and just swim, let the water soothe her troubled mind, but would her memories resurface and bring back all the pain of three years ago, if she did?

She would never know if she didn't try.

Avery chucked off her flip-flops and walked slowly to the water's edge before lowering herself and dipping her feet in. She came after hours again which, to her, was the best time.

The water was warm, the perfect temperature for Avery. She sat, staring into the water, not quite ready to fully get in. Ambrose wasn't here to bully her into getting into the water, and she had a feeling, he wouldn't be here anytime soon.

She kept messing everything up with Ambrose. Whenever she opens her mouth something stupid comes out and makes him upset, making Avery seem like she's unable to change.

"Hmm, he was right. You are here."

Avery startled, spinning her head around to see who was there. Tamar. "What are you doing here?"

"That's no way to say hello to someone."

"Sorry. Hello Tamar, what brings you to the pool after hours?"

"Hello, Avery. I could ask you the same thing." She sat next to Avery, in her swimsuit already.

Avery looked out to the pool. "I was thinking. I"

"You needed space. Pff. What about the rest of us from you?"

"I don't need your animosity right now, Tamar."

"No, you need a firm shaking being so hot and cold with Ambrose." She shook her head. "He doesn't deserve you."

"I know," Avery whispered.

"Silly me thought you were going to try and be a better person this time. Guess I shouldn't have had high hopes concerning you."

"If you're not going to say anything nice to me I'd prefer it if you'd just leave."

"No matter how much I want to, I can't. Your father sent me to keep an eye on you, so here I am."

"Here you are."

Tamar sighed. "Why do you keep breaking his heart?"

"I don't know." Avery was sick of being asked that question; she was already asking herself that. "I don't know how to make it up to him. To make him see how sorry I am."

"You shouldn't try to if you're just going to break his heart again."

"I'll try not to, I'll really try this time."

"If he turns you down I won't be upset."

"I'm sure you won't."

"He should see you swim."

He should, but he won't show up. He won't even speak to her. "He won't even speak to me, how are we going to get him to stay in the same area as me?"

"I won't let him leave."

"Why are you doing this? Really?"

Tamar stared into Avery's eyes. "Because Ambrose will never see me as more than a friend, no matter how hard I try. I am now permanently in the friend zone, but you have a chance to love him. So don't mess it up, or I'll come after you."

Avery had no doubts about that. "C-Call him."

Tamar grabbed her phone out of her pocket and dialed Ambrose. A pause. "Hey! What are you doing right now? What? Just an hour ago? Are you sure? Yeah, okay. No, no it's okay I understand. I'll tell her. But, um...I have a favor to ask you. It's really important and I don't want the connection to cut out so could you meet me at the community pool? Colin and Grandma are asleep and Grandma doesn't like boys over after eight." Tamar smiled. "Thank you, Ambrose! You're the best!"

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