Special Chapter 1

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2 years later

"Today is the big day everyone has been waiting for, the verdict for the notorious criminal, Park Jimin, will be passed right here in this court. The judge and the jury are ready. Now, we are all waiting for him to show up" Just as the reporter said this a vehicle pulled up in front of the courtroom. "Looks like he is finally here!! We will show you-
Before she could finish her sentence she was pushed aside by a huge crowd who rushed towards the van, patiently holding their breaths, their eyes fixed on the van.

Two heavily armed officers jumped out of the van first, making a barrier against the crowd. There was already a lot of murmuring among the crowd, people ready with cameras, they were starting to get impatient. Just then two hands popped out of the vehicle, in handcuffs, and then followed a handsome face, a wide smile on his face, he jumped out of the vehicle and put both of his hands up.

There was an uproar, everyone who had been patiently waiting for this man, some maybe even for hours, were ecstatic at the sight.

This was unethical and weird for anyone who witnessed the scene. Why were these people worshipping a criminal? There was no justified reason for this.

Jimin bathed in the glory, he loved it. He waved his hands at his "fans" and they went crazy. "THANK YOU FOR COMING HERE" he shouted, making sure everyone present there could hear it, "I LOVE YOU ALL"

One of the officers couldn't take it anymore and dragged him away, "that's enough, you are a criminal so act like one" His anger was justified.

Jimin couldn't stop smiling, his face was glowing and he was happy. This annoyed the officers who were in charge of him.

"This is crazy" Taehyung spoke starting at his TV.

Jungkook had his eyes wide open, he couldn't comprehend what he was seeing.

"Guys, we don't have much time. Let's go." Namjoon grabbed his jacket and walked out of the door.

Jin followed him outside, he couldn't hide his smile. Namjoon couldn't help asking, "Why are you smiling hyung?"

"Jimin is living his life," Jin said as he looked up at the sky, "look at all those people, they would die for him."

"I don't get it, he's a criminal, he killed so many people. Why don't they see that?"

"They don't believe that."

"But I do." Namjoon sighed, a hint of desperation in his eyes.

Yoongi popped his head out of the car window and urged them to hurry up. Hoseok who was also in the car asked him to calm down, and he easily complied.

Jungkook and Taehyung had made their way to the car, they kept glancing at Hobi and Yoongi and then at each other.

Once everyone was seated in the car, they drove off. Namjoon was visibly nervous, there was a hint of guilt in his eyes. Jin wasn't nervous, he had a smile on his face. Taehyung had no expression, but everyone could tell he was upset. Jimin was his best friend after all. Jungkook seemed to have aged a few years, his childish smile had vanished. Yoongi kept looking at Hoseok trying to read his expression. The atmosphere in the car was weird.

Before they knew it they had already arrived at their destination. It was a long drive, they had been attentively listening to the radio on the way, Jimin was given the death sentence. He was on death row, leaving him only a few days to live. No one said a word.

"Let's go" Jin took the lead, everyone was hesitant but they knew that they had to do this otherwise they'd regret it for the rest of their lives.

Before entering the facility their electronic devices and anything that was metal or remotely dangerous were taken from them. Each one of them had to go through a complete body scan before stepping inside. They were then taken to a private room divided in the middle by a glass partition. Only Namjoon and Yoongi knew the trouble that they had to go through to make this meeting possible.

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