Y - what

A - nothing I just love seeing your bump

He got in between my legs with his head by my stomach

A - I just want to see the baby already anf know what gender it is

He started kissing my stomach

Y - we need to start planning the baby shower

A - what if we let someone else plan it

Y - I would but my mom really wanted to help me with it

A - is she still up for it

Y - maybe

A - whatever as long as we have a baby shower

I played with his hair

Y - it's so crazy to think that I'm pregnant with your baby and we've only been dating for about 6 months

A - I know

Y - and my mom said *mocks* you cant have boyfriends because they can  get you pregnant...look what happened

A - *laughs*

Y - but you made my life better honestly I smile and laugh a lot more now

A - thats good baby

He kissed my stomach

Y - you know I'm surprised my mom hasn't brought anything up About getting married

A - my mom hasn't either

Y - damn

A -...do you want to get married?

Y - well not right now but in the future it's very possible thetn we can have a huge wedding like I've always wanted

A - ok then I can wait for that

He came up to me and kissed me then looked at my neck

A - you still have that necklace on

Y - I said I was never gonna take it off

A - *smiles* let's watch the movie

Y - finally

I put on the movie and we laid down

*skip to Saturday morning*

I was dressed in this⬇⬇⬇

And I made 2 French braids in my hair. Alex was dressed in this⬇⬇

I came out of the bathroom and he was laying on my bed

Y - lets go

A - *groans* why do we have to leave so early

Y - so that we can get there early duh

A - ugh

Y - I'll drive for the first like 2 hours but then you have to drive

A - fine

Y - great let's go

We grabbed our bags and Zelda then put it in my car. I took off driving

Y - I'm hungry

A - well then get something *reclines seat*

Y - chik fil a?

A - of course

Y - ok then

I drove to chik fil a and paid for our food. I ate while driving since I didnt want to stop. After 2 hours me and Alex switched like we agreed to. We got to LA at 2:54pm

Y - where's the place at

A - I dont know look at my text messages with the lady then type that place in

I did and told him the directions to the place

Y - *sighs* it's so beautiful out here

A - almost as beautiful as you...almost

Y - *smiles* I love you

A - I love you too

He leaned in for a kiss while still looking at the road so I gave him one. We got to the place

Y - does the lady know were here

A - yeah I told her and she said she's on her way

Y - can we take Zelda in

A - I think so

Y - if not then I can leave her in here with the car on

A - sure

Just then a lady in a tesla pulled up next to me

A - thats her


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This one was for yesterday I'm just not postng the 2 for today sorryyyyy

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