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The next day, I entered the classroom and all my classmates glanced at the  but quickly averted their gaze. Ignoring it, I went to the podium and said:

"Everybody, please listen to me." My classmates stopped what they were doing and looked at me. "I want all your contact's info to make a class groupchat and tell you who you'll be teaching or studying with. If you got a result that's less than 60% in the quizz you are forced to participate, understood?" They were with annoyed faces but nooded. Looks like my speech yesterday showed them how scary I can be.

I approached everyone who I didn't have their phone number. After that I sat and created the groupchat, sending my classmates their study group.

The bell rang and we had classes, but today no one was talking, using his/her phone, sleeping or absence. Just before they finished Chabashira-sensei told us the topics for the midterms, but, knowing her, I asked:

"Sensei, are you sure these are the correct topics? I would request you to confirm it."

If she checked and insisted she was sure, I would talk to Ichinose and see if the contents of Class B were different from our's. Then, if that was the case, I would confront sensei with the voice recording I was doing now.

But Chabashira-sensei wasn't stupid, she pretended checking her papers, and, with a smirk, she apologized:

"Thanks for warning, Ayanokouji-kun, I almost gave you the wrong contents, sorry about that."

Some of my classmates groaned just thinking how it would be studying for nothing, they even thanked me.

The classes ended, and everyone headed to the library. I sat on a chair near a big table waiting for my students, with my right hand supporting my chin.

Soon after, those 7 picked a chair and and sat arround the table.

"Ok, I want you to please do this worksheet, so I can understand your strenghts and weaknesses, you have 30 minutes." I handed them the papers and waited.

The ones who seemed to struggle the most were the Idiotic Trio, Sudou, the "flying fish" and down bad-kun.

They all finished and I analyzed their answers. To be honest they were worse than I expected, this'll give some work...

We studied until seven o'clock and, although it was just a little, they've made some progress. I also noticed that whenever I explained something to Maezono or Satou they blushed. I even asked if they had fever but they blushed even more...

I was going to get a drink at a vending machine outside when I heard a voice. I instantly hid my presence and held my breath, trying to hear that voice again.

"Suzune, I didn't expect you'd follow me so far..." Suzune? I leaned against the wall and tilted my head to see what was going on.

"I'm no more the useless girl you knew, ni-san." Ni-san? So she's talking with Horikita-senpai?

My eyes were slowly adapting to the nigjt's darkness. I picked up my phone and started recording the conversation.

"You say you're not useless? You don't even accept your weaknesses... You're just a foolish girl." He then turned his back and started leaving.

"Wait! I will definetly reach Class A, I promise!" She was desesperated for his attention.

Hearing this, he looked at his sister like she was nothing.

"Class A? Don't make me laugh. A defective like you could never achieve that."

"I'll...reach...A..."Her voice weakened with Horikita-senpai glare.

"You stupid little brat." He grabbed her wrist and pushed her to the wall, without any resistence.

"Do you know the shame you bring our family? My little sister, in Class D? Pathetic. Leave the school immediatly if you know what's good for you."

"Wait please just lis-" She lost all her confidence and didn't tried to defend herself at all.

"You have neither the right nor the ability to dream so highly. You better learn..." He was going to punch her, I couldn't afford that to happen.

I put my phone on the ground, still filming and started clapping my hands, leaving my hiding spot with a smirk.

"Clap, clap, clap. What a fantastic family reunion, am I right?"

"Ayanokouji-kun?" She cried.

Horikita-senpai let go Suzune-chan and glared at me with furious eyes.

"What do you want?"

I approached them both, hands on my pockets, and said:

"Don't be so cold, Manabu-chan~" Oh God... I love teasing Horikitas.

The moment I said his first name he aimed a kick to my face but I calmly dodged, leaping to behind. He then rushed me, trying to grab me, but I slapped his hand. He seemed impressed by my quick reflexes but it wasn't over. I kicked his abdomen, but he stopped it at the last second with his hands, I put my foot on the ground and, with an amazing speed, grabbed his neck, lifting him in the air.

"You called you sister pathetic didn't you? But now, who's the being  pathetic now, ah?" He was trying to escape, but I increased my grip, almost making him to faint. Suzune-chan's eyes couldn't believe that her so admired ni-san was now losing to me so easily.

"Let him go, Ayanokouji-kun, please!" This is the first time I listen to the word "please" coming out of her mouth.

I obeyed and throwed Manabu-chan to the wall, like he did before to his sister.

"Aght!" He released a pain sound.

"You fight well, but you aren't enough to stand against me, so, today onwards, I'll call you Manabu-chan, got a problem?" I raised my voice in the last part to make sure he understood me.

"No..." He afirmed, while massaging his neck with his hand. My happiness in immesurable and my day is saved. (This is for both me and Kiyo xD)

"You're really strong, do you practice anything?" he questioned me, stooding up.

"Yes." Well, I answered him, right?

He was going to ask me again but I spoke before he could:

"Piano ao calligraphy, you happy?"

Manabu-chan, impressed by my quick answer, fixed his glasses with his index finger, smiled and turned to his sister.

"Who is this kid, Suzune?"

"He is just a classmate..." she said without thinking twice.

"CLASSMATE? Suzune-chan, couldn't you atleast said that I'm your friend? My heart, it hurts!" I exclaimed, with my hand in my chest, pretending I was suffering.

"Ahm?" She was flustereted and Manabu-chan chuckled with my acting.

"Ayanokouji, with you in this school, things might get interesting." He started leaving but before he disappeared in the darkness I shouted:

"Oh, Manabu-chan, trust me, they will."


I tried adding more details in this chapter, if it felt strange I'm sorry.

I changed the interaction with Manabu, Kiyo and Suzune cause I'm sick of seeing the same thing again and again, even though the fight was gass without the g.

Sugestions and corrections are welcomed ;)

I hope you have a nice day <3

1187 words

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