Visiting the classes

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I left the guidance room to analyze the other classes. I decided to visit Class A first.

I arrived and, without knocking, I opened the door.

The students were separated in two sides. In the left one, near the window, the main figure was a small cute crippled with silver hair with a cane. In the opposite a bald man that gave a feeling of trust was surrounded by other students. It seems they have two leaders, huh.

At first they didn't notice me, but the crippled girl looked at me and smiled, so smiled back. I went to her desk, sensing and ignoring hostile glares of the students, I picked up a random chair, placed it in front of that girl and sat. 

"And who are you?" She asked me, with a curious smile.

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, leader of the defectives, you?"

"Sakayanagi Arisu, nice to meet you Ayanokouji-kun. So what are you doing here?" Some students of the other "faction" approached to hear our interaction.

"Nothing special, just analyzing other classes. From what I've seen you have two leaders, for Class A you are kinda pathetic, aren't you?" I've dropped a bomb. All of them opened the mouth in disbelief, some even mocked me and told me to leave. But Sakayanagi didn't looked impressed.

"Fufufu, says the guy who's class lost all of their CP in one month." She remained calm and even laughed at my statement.

"You're right. But just because my class sucks that doesn't mean I'm trash."

"Well, you're neither wrong nor right. Didn't you say that you are their leader? Didn't you find the S-system suspicious?" She did have a point. I have my defects, that's why I was placed in Class D. However, I figured out the S-system on the first day, unlike many other students.

"Believe it or not, I already knew how the S-system worked from the first day, I even warned my classmates, but got ignored. Moving on to another topic, can't you introduce yourself, Johnny?" I asked while staring at the bald guy from before.

"Johnny?" He muttered to himself.

"Ah?! Why should Katsuragi-san intr-"

"Yahiko, it's alright. My name is Katsuragi Kohei. Ayanokouji, I'm interested in what you were saying about the S-system, can you explain a little further?" He cut off Yahiko, introducing himself and questioned me about earlier.

"It doesn't really matter. I'll be leaving. It was a pleasure meeting you Class A." I stood up and smiled to the students. Then I placed a hand on Katsuragi's shoulder and whispered. "Be careful with that girl mate. It would be a shame if you'd lose your "civil war" so early." I tapped his back and exited the classroom without looking back.


After my talk with Class A leaders, I headed to Class B. The door was already open and I could hear the students chatting happily. I entered the classroom and started doing my analyzation.

"Do you have any bussiness with us?" A guy with purple hair asked me while I was looking at his class. The other students heard and now were staring a me, curiously.

"Oh, please don't mind me, I was just getting to know your faces." I extended my arm and "My name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, leader of Class D, are you perhaps the leader of this class mr.?"

"Kanzaki Ryuji, nice to meet you Ayanokouji-kun" we shook our hands and he clarified: "No, I'm not, Ichinose please come here."

Hearing her name, the same girl that had helped me with Chie glanced at our direction and walked to us.

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