"Devyn" be slid into the seat in front of her as she looked up smiling at him. 
"He was suppose to drop you at home" as she made a mental note to tell him off later. 
"I haven't seen you in over a week" she had hesitated. 
"I am sure you survived just fine and the last time I saw you, you had a girl on each arm at the club" she smiled at him. 

Right as he got in, he watched Professor prick place a ring on her fingers and he ducked around to avoid her as he went to the dance floor. He watched her smile and laugh as she left with him, when she had waved goodbye to him her smiled had been warm and happy. That as her life came together, his unraveled. 

To the outside he had it all, a successful business, lived in a penthouse suite and he had girls fawning all over him. But what he wanted was happiness and passion, the fleeting moments of heaven and sheer utter bliss coupled with the passion of one person who captivated him, who tore him apart with pain and even in happiness. Who loved and saw him for everything he couldn't forgive in himself, who choose him and always made that choice no matter how wrong he was for her cause no matter what happened he couldn't stop loving her and hurting her. Just as he had seen her at her most vulnerable, being with her made him that way and this seemed more real than any other relationship she had ever had before. 


She was vulnerable, his eyes traced her neck and her collarbone as she stood in front of him. He had been witness to her finding out her boyfriend was cheating on her as he pulled her away from the crowd to give her a moment. He watched her stop in her tracks at the dance floor as he walked towards her pulling her away, his awareness at how she held so tightly onto his hand. 

She breathed in deeply, she had no tears as she closed her eyes bracing herself against the wall. The door of the office slightly opened as he watched standing over her. 

"Do you need a minute?" 
"Am I allowed to be in here?" 
"The place is mine so yes" as she smiled up at him, her smile had been heartbreakingly fragile and soft as she looked up at him.  

"Let's go" he pulled her along the side leading her out as she let out a breathe. She looked up at the sky as the clouds covered the moon. He made a quick phone call as he pulled her along. 
"Where are we going?" he looked back at her, his wavy bangs made him look like a greek god. 
"To get food" as she looked back down, she had briefly glanced at her hand in his. 

"Tteokbokki" she giggled at him. 
"Let's go" as she trailed along behind him. She had felt safe and forgotten about asshat. That relationship hadn't lasted long anyway. 

"Where are we?" 
"My place" as she eyed him, he gestured for her to get in the elevator as she walked in. 
"Thank you" she looked over at him as the elevator stopped. 

The first thing that caught her eyes was the chandelier as it glistened against the light. 

He walked into the kitchen as she looked around, out the window she had noted how high they were as she slowly backed away hearing a chuckle. 
"Devyn?" she looked over to him at the dining table as she hurriedly walked over. 
"I don't like heights" he had laughed at her, little bit of an overshare. 

"Tell me about tonight" he looked at her as he chewed. 
"He was temporary I guess... it was only a few months. I suck at picking out guys" 
"I have heard" as she scrunched her face. 
"My roommate is Yoongi" 
"Ahhh" as she nodded. 

"What have you heard?" she was curious
"You pick out the wrong ones" she smiled. 
"And you can have your pick" as he smirked. 
"You mean the club?" he had seen her watching him as she walked in before she had spotted finding who she was looking for. Yoongi and Lexi had watched on as he pulled her away. 

"He wasn't worth being upset about" he looked at her "you dodged a bullet" as she smiled at him. 
"If only it hurt less" she looked out, into the dark clear sky of the penthouse suite. 
"You aren't as soft as you looked" she had been puzzled as her head tilted slightly making him chuckle, she was cute and innocent. 
"What do you mean?" she looked at him. 
"You didn't shed a tear" she smiled. 
"No one gets to see those" as he smiled back at her. 

He had remembered the first night he had seen her cry, when he walked her home and she thanked him "I was so happy to see you" as she smiled at him. He dropped her off at home and made sure she got in safely. Perhaps it wasn't worth bringing up that moment, what had almost hurt her. 

"What about you, girlfriend?" she smiled at him warm and soft. 
"No I don't do girlfriends. School and work" as she nodded. 
"What do you study?" 
"Business... Yoongi told me you want to to be a professor" as she nodded. 
"Well maybe... will see I guess" as she looked at the time. 

"You? Businessman?" as he chuckled.
"May be, who knows.. for now" as she smiled, it hadn't been awkward when they paused. There was comfort and familiarity even the first night.
"I should go, I have class tomorrow..." as he tilted his head at her smiling at him.

"Thank you for tonight..." her lips curled ever so slightly as a strand of her hair feel to her face. He felt his hand automatically reach out to push it behind her ear, instinctively his hand wrapped around her neck pulling her into him as his lips brushed against hers as he pulled her in. 

Her lips were soft, a peach pink as his tongue danced around hers. She had smelled like daisies and a warm spring morning as he took her in. 

Her hand grasping onto his shirt as she pulled back a little but she had closed her eyes as the initial shock had worn off. Unsure what had come over her, what was she doing as she sunk into him. 

"I should go" as he pulled away from her, he had watched her leave quite fast as he bit his lip. Her cute flustered expression as she bid him goodnight. 

DynastyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora