Chapter 1

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Hayley's P.O.V

I stood on the stage, the lights practically blinding me, the music deafeningly loud. I ran a hand through my bright blue and looked at the crowd. They'd all come to see us. People actually wanted to see us perform. It was unreal.

We finished playing the set, and headed back to the bus. I usually hung back to talk to the security guards, but tonight I ran back to the bus as quick as I could. I ran into the back and changed into some more comfortable clothes, then washed my already ruined makeup from my face. "Whoa, what's got you so worked up?" Jeremy laughed as he and Taylor sat down.
"Chad promised he'd call." I grinned widely.
"You really like that guy, don't you?" He smiled as I walked over with my phone.
"Yeah." I looked down at my lap as I sat down, smiling to myself.
"I don't." I looked up at Taylor when he spoke.
"Well, he's my boyfriend, not yours." I giggled, trying to make a joke of the whole thing.
"I mean it, Hayley! I don't like him. There's something off about him. He's gonna hurt you. You know he's just gonna hurt you!" Taylor raised his voice slightly.
"No he's not! Don't talk about him like that!" I frowned at him. "We've been together for 6 years, Taylor! Why aren't you accepting that I'm finally happy?" I yelled.
"You could be happier without him. You know he's an asshole Hayley!" Taylor shouted at me, standing up. I did the same and stood in front of him.
"Stop saying those things! He's not an asshole! I love him, for heavens sake! Just fucking accept that I'm happy!" I screamed, my eyes filling up.
"It's not my fault you're too thick-headed to see him for what he really is! Don't expect me to be here when you get hurt!" Taylor shouted again. I turned and walked away, not wanting to hear it anymore.

I climbed up to my bunk, snapping the curtain shut and curling up in a ball. I held my phone tightly in my hand, waiting for Chad's call. He wasn't like Taylor said. I didn't even understand why Taylor hated him so much - Chad had never done anything to him. I sighed and closed my eyes, then remembered I was waiting for a call from Chad. "Hayley! Goodnight!" Jeremy yelled.
"Night!" I called in reply, then I heard him get into his bunk, and soon he started snoring.

I stayed awake all night, lying in bed with my phone in my hand. "Why isn't he calling?" I said quietly.
"You okay, Hayles?" My curtain opened and Taylor was there. "I'm sorry for going off on you back there, by the way. I just care about you." He said softly, resting his hand on my arm.
"It's okay." I sighed. "And...Chad still hasn't called" I looked at Taylor. "It's 3am and he still hasn't called!" I was tearing up, and Taylor must've noticed since he wrapped his arms around me.
"Go to sleep, Hayley. He'll call tomorrow...he was probably just busy." He whispered, letting go of me. I lay back down and sighed.
"Maybe...goodnight, Taylor." I mumbled. He kissed my head in (what I saw as) a friendly fashion.
"Goodnight, Hayles." He disappeared and the curtain closed, surrounding me in darkness once again.

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