Tickles (Inumaki Toge)

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You were not a sorcerer like Inumaki, nor could you see curses. We are so different expect that even though we go to different schools, High school stays High school and I got exams.

That is why I'm so bummed out today. I did badly on my paper and it was worth half my final grade too! I felt bad and groaned as I laid in bed when I felt someone jump on it.

"Kelp" Inumaki said while making a weird pose which always made me laugh but now it didn't help.

"Not now Toge please" I said as my face was buried in my pillow. I heard him sigh and my pillow was thrown on the floor for him to attack me with tickles which caused me to laugh hard.


He grinned as he kept doing it only to stop when he had to type something on his phone to show it to me.

"It's just a test. You'll ace all the others so don't let it get my marshmallow down" he smiled at me before pecking my cheek.

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