What Is Love? (Mahito)

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It was a beautiful sunny day to finally read that book that has been begging me to look at it.

While I was actually interested in the contents of the book, I cam across a question which I did not have an answer to. I read on to find the answer but it was confusing.

Did I ever experience something like this?

As I was lost in my thoughts I heard Mahito call as he made his way towards me.

"Y/n-chan~What you doing out here? It's hot" he sat down next to me.

"Mmm" I was still trying to understand the answer that I hardly heard him until the book was taken out of my hands.


"What's on your mind?"

"Nothing" I said trying to get the book back.

"I know that look. You don't understand something right? Ask me, maybe I can help"

"... Really?"


"Then what is love?" I finally asked the stressful question.


"Mmm, it's a bit confusing in the book so I'm trying to make sense of it"

"Love huh?" he looked up at the sky then at me, "Love is how I know you steal some of my boardgame pieces to annoy me yet I still keep it there"

Jujutsu-Kaisen scenariosHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin