Hugs (Itadori Yuuji)

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Lately Yuji has been a bit clingy since I fell asleep in his dorm a few days ago. I don't know what happened, I just woke up with no Yuji so I left but his been acting like this ever since.

He hugs me out of the blue and always snuggles his head in the crook of my neck especially when he back hugs me. Last night I woke up to him laying on top of me, his hands gently around me with his head on my stomach. I was too tired to do anything so I just left him.

Right now I'm reading a very interesting book Nanami-sensei lent to me with my legs crossed on the bed when Yuji just opened the door like the uninvited happy person he is.

He moved me a bit forward to sit behind me so I could lay on his chest while his hands rubbed my tummy. I took this peaceful time to ask him.



"Did something happen that night I slept in your dorm?"

He had a light blush on his cheeks when I asked, making me a bit suspicious.

"W-Why would you ask that?"

"You've been hugging me alot since that night. It's not that I don't like it, it's just you've never done it this much"

I felt him breathe deeply in and out like he was trying to calm himself before answering.

"I - something did happen but... I don't want you to think I'm a pervert" he kept his head in my neck.

"Tell me" I said softly while playing with his fingers.

"W-Well after you fell asleep I tucked you in my bed but you were still cold even with the blanket so I - I hugged you"


"Y-You were really cuddly that I fell asleep but woke up just before you did to hide. I know I shouldn't have done that but you were so-" I cut him off by turning around to straddle his lap to see his bright red face.

"Yuji, it's okay. I just wanted to know why. You don't have to stop doing it" I said shyly.

"Really? Well then would it be okay if I hugged you everyday? Because you're too huggable"

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