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rambles; AHH WE GOT THE SEASON 3 TRAILER AND THERES ONLY A WEEK LEFT! Spam me with some comments as you read y'all! 🌼


"They're really loading you up with homework." Jaymie frowned as she looked down to the table laden with paper from over her sisters shoulder. "It's just catch up stuff mostly." Casey lied as she finished Adams biology homework, her own having been long done as she now focused on his.

"How can you have catch up stuff when you started at the beginning of the school year?" Jaymie's eyes narrowed suspiciously as she moved to sit down at the table across from Casey.

"A guy flashed the entire lunchroom today, full frontal nudity." Casey commented suddenly in an attempt to change the subject, full well knowing her sister had always been a sucker for gossip.

"You're joking!" Jaymie's jaw dropped as Casey hummed, breathing an internal sigh of relief as her sister forgot her previous question, the two quickly falling into another conversation about their days.

"You know you haven't been to see him yet." Jaymie stated sombrely once the laughter had died down from her previous story, which involved her coworker slipping over in what was said to be 'apple juice' in the waiting room today, and how it was most certainly not apple juice.

"Jesus christ you know how to kill a mood Jaymie." Casey groaned, looking back down to Adams homework with a shake of her head.

"Come on I've given you like a week to settle in before I begin to bug you about it." Her sister defended, cracking open another beer with her teeth making Casey wince, she never understood the science of how Jaymie's teeth hadn't cracked from that habit yet.

"It's been five days, how generous of you." Casey mumbled sarcastically, moving onto Adams geography homework, which thankfully was only a one page worksheet. "I'll come with you. You don't need to stay for hours and hours, but he's part of the reason we had to move here Casey." Jaymie lectured, tone slipping into a much more stern one.

"He's our dad." Jaymie sighed, softer now after her sister had remained silent, eyes trained down at the worksheet infront of her.

"He used to be." Casey muttered under her breath, grip on her pen tightening. An awful silence settled between the two, the only sound filling the room the gentle hum of the fridge in the kitchen behind them.

"You know sooner or later you're eventually going to have to grow up Casey. I'm not your mum!" Jaymie warned with a roll of her eyes, her chair scraping across the floor as she pushed herself away from the table.

"Really? Could have fooled me the way you parade around this place." Casey scoffed, leaning away from the worksheet and crossing her arms over her chest.

"Do you seriously think I enjoy having to not only worry about my own shit but your shit too?" Jaymie laughed in disbelief with a shake of your head. "Shopping, cooking, cleaning, waking you up for school when you sleep in, driving you to school, enrolling you in school, who does all that? Me!" Jaymie shouted, throwing her hands in the air.

"Congratulations Jaymie and what would you like for that? A trophy?" Casey called back mockingly, only angering the older girl more. "I'd like my life back! I'm twenty five I should be spending my weekends with people my own age. Instead I'm stuck working 9-5's so we can afford groceries and rent, or I'm doing laundry and picking up after you!" Jaymie yelled, fists balled in anger.

"All you've done is whinge and complain about how hard the move was for you, how unfair it is for you. What about me Casey? I also had friends I left behind, I also had a life I left behind, I had a boyfriend I left behind. I was the one had to make the decision to move once I got let go, and then I had to deal with all your moaning about it for weeks before we even left!" Jaymie continued, weeks of built up frustration all pouring out at once.

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