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rambles; hi thank you for reading and supporting dis new booook, love u all. enjoy!

chapter two

"-and you know your way home yeah? I have to work till eight." Jaymie fussed, Casey having been hovering half out of the car for what felt like the last hour. "Yes Jay. Can I go? You're gonna make me late man." Casey groaned, adjusting her bag on her shoulder and pushing herself off the car.

"Pull your jeans up I can see your stomach. Did you have to wear the ones with the biggest holes possible?" Her sister shook her head, the engine roaring to life. "Dear god you're such a headache bye!" Casey groaned again, turning around and walking off towards school before her sister could find something else to worry about.

Yesterday at Five Guys had gone surprisingly okay for how sudden the prospect of the job actually was.

Casey had been more than relieved to find out she wouldn't even need to step foot in the kitchen let alone be expected to cook anything. All she had to do was learn the register to take orders and clean, both things she was fairly fine at considering she'd used to work at a small deli back in Cardiff.

Maia was a good teacher, patient and actually able to hold a conversation for more than a few minutes without it turning awkward. Simon had informed the girl she'd be working every Sunday 10-4, and Wednesdays and Thursdays after school till 7, all shifts thankfully that Maia was also on.

The pay wasn't great, but it was better than nothing and if her math was correct it would at least for the most part cover her share of rent and groceries.

But to Casey's disappointment Maia was older than she looked and had graduated two years ago but taking a business course online, so here she was on her first day not knowing a single soul.

The girl paused, one foot on the bottom step as she stared up at the huge red brick building infront of her. Students brushed past her without a second glance all catching up about how their breaks were, hurrying to meet up with her friends.

With a deep breath Casey tucked one of her earphones in, sliding her phone into her pocket as the melodious voice of SZA filled her ears.

Trying to ignore the anxiety which was rapidly bubbling up in her chest the girl made her way up the stairs, dodging left and right to avoid her new peers who were sprawled across the front lawn in small hordes.

She knew she needed to somehow find her way to the front office to get her timetable and hopefully a map given this place was almost twice the size of her old school. There were students everywhere, so clearly Moordale was far from the sleepy town she'd assumed it to be.

Not to mention they didn't even wear uniforms? A fact both Casey and Jamie were stunned to learn as both of them hadn't gone through a single year of schooling where an ugly regulation uniform wasn't required.

Yet another thing for Casey was yet to get used to now she had to actually think about what to wear everyday, a laborious chore.

The baby hairs on the nape of her neck suddenly prickled and Casey could practically feel someone looking at her. Sure enough as she looked up from her phone where she'd been sifting through her playlist looking for a new song, four pairs of unfamiliar eyes bore right in her direction.

Three girls and a boy, all seated together on one of the only benches in the entire front courtyard stared her down, their seemingly designer wardrobes and bags a sure fire sign they came from money.

Though Casey had no idea who they were they seemed to be sizing her up as if she did, and it was making the girl feel like a bug under a microscope.

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