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rambles; hi leave me some comments as you read y'all lemme know what you thinkkk, tysm for reading 🥺

chapter one

Casey sighed as the car finally squeaked its way to a stop, her forehead thumping softly against the window as she pressed her head dejectedly to the cool glass, staring out at the dismal sight before them.


Of all the towns her sister could have packed up and dragged them too, she had to choose what Casey was fast assuming was the most dreary of them all.

For one, they were moving into a caravan. Not a flat, not a house, but a caravan. In a caravan park.

All around her were caravans. Carbon copies of one another they littered the grass like a factory. Large dusty white clunks of rusting metal striped with bleak greens, dull yellows and faded blues, they looked like old discarded hot-wheels toys.

Sure their previous place of residence in Cardiff had hardly been what anyone would consider a high class palace, but at the very least it wasn't once technically mobile.

"Casey man your misery is becoming infectious give it a rest!" Her older sister Jaymie groaned with a roll of her eyes from the drivers seat, door opening with a click as she stepped out of the car.

Casey watched through hooded eyes as an older woman rushed over to greet her sister, the two falling into conversation as the woman handed Jaymie a set of keys and began to point things out around them.

Casey assumed the conversation then turned toward her as Jaymie pointed her out still sitting in the car, the younger girl looking away as the mystery woman waved with a large smile in her direction.

With a sigh she fished her earphones out of her pocket and began to unravel them, nostrils flaring with frustration as the knots only seemed to grow tighter rather than untangle like she'd wanted.

"Oh fuck it!" The girl gave up with a huff throwing them over her shoulder, regret washing over her as soon as she did realising they'd now become lost in the piles of bags and boxes they'd shoved in the back of the car like a game of tetris.

Casey jumped a little in shock as her door suddenly opened, the girl almost toppling out as she'd been leaning against it. "Go on misery guts out you get then." Her sister ordered before disappearing to the back of the car, popping the trunk open.

"So which hunk of junk is our new forever home?" Casey asked with a mock excitement, ignoring the withering side glare her sister gave her at the question.

"Case can you do me a favour and not make this unnecessarily difficult? You know exactly why we had to move here and I don't need you on me about something that was out of my hands." Jaymie warned seriously, grabbing a box as Casey did the same.

Deciding silence was her best option right now the girl remained quiet as she followed her sister, Jaymie stepping up to the caravan Casey assumed was theirs. Sure enough the key fit in the lock as Jaymie gave the door a small push with her shoulder and it swung open with a creak.

Shifting her box in her arms the older of the two was the first to venture inside, Casey taking a deep breathe before doing the same though miscounting the amount of steps up to the door and practically falling through it, just catching her footing in time before she hit the ground.

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