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rambles: another day another chapter! finally with some more casey x Maeve interactions, thank u for readinggg

chapter three

"Stupid old lock." Casey huffed to herself, jiggling her key around in the caravan door before it finally slid in with a small click, swinging open so suddenly she practically fell through it. "I need to stop doing that." Casey groaned to herself, getting off of her knees and brushing the dirt off of them before heading toward her room.

Dropping her bag on her bed she wasted no time fiddling around with her bra before it finally unhooked, the girl sighing in relief as she pulled it off from beneath her shirt, tossing it in the corner of her room with her shoes soon to follow.

Wriggling out of her jeans she slid on a pair of navy blue joggers and a large joy division tee sighing with comfort once changed.

Making her way to the dresser she grabbed out a stick of incense from her jar full of them, sitting it on its holder and looking around for her lighter. Coming up bare handed she frowned and turned on her heel, surely there were at least some matches in the kitchen.

Riffling through the cupboards Casey finally spotted a large box of matches on the top shelf of the central cabinet, but of course they had to be just out of her reach, stupid height.

Dragging over a chair from the table she prayed it wasn't too old to hold her weight as she stood up, wobbling a little before steadying herself and reaching over to grab the matches. But before she put the chair back the girl looked up curiously toward the small skylight window in the middle of the kitchen roof.

"Just maybe..." Casey wondered to herself, biting her bottom lip before standing back up on the chair. Grabbing a wooden spoon and reaching up she pushed softly on the window before adding a little more force, and sure enough open it popped.

Casey grinned at the sight, confident she could probably fit through the small window and get onto the caravan roof if she could find something just a little taller to balance on.

But sure her sister would disapprove she was quick to pull the window shut again and jump off the chair, dragging it back to its original place and heading to her room.

Lighting the stick of incense she blew out the match, safely tucking away the box into her sock drawer.

A little calmer at the familiar smell filling her bedroom as the incense burnt she threw herself down on her bed, riffling through her bag and pulling out what little homework she had to do.

Not yet having a desk she decided the kitchen table would have to do so grabbing her pencil case and worksheets that was where she settled in.

"Some partner project. Probably less likely to get stabbed if I do it though." Casey muttered to herself as she scribbled away some notes for her and Adams communication and media assignment, their teacher having assigned a draft proposal for homework they were supposed to get done 'together' before their next class.

Though after about thirty minutes her motivation waned as her eyes fell to the mind-map from English, a frown knitting its way to her face as the girl she'd been forced to share a desk with's harsh criticism replayed over in her mind.

Her mind map was not shit.

Casey was far from a competitive person by nature, well usually. Truthfully she wasn't sure why the pink haired girls disbelief in her was affecting her so much, for god sakes she didn't even know her name.

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