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the witch

❝ i live for the days when i see him

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❝ i live for the days when i see him. but i know that every time i do he'll be one step further away. the day's coming when i'll look into that man's eyes—my doctor—and he won't have the faintest idea who i am. and i think it's going to kill me. ❞

the ninth

❝ i could save the world

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i could save the world...but lose you.

the tenth

❝ you can spend the rest of your life with me, but I can't spend the rest of mine with you

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you can spend the rest of your life with me, but I can't spend the rest of mine with you. i have to live on. alone. that's the curse of the time lords...i don't age. i regenerate. but humans decay. you wither and you die. imagine watching that happen to someone that you... 

the eleventh

❝ how many times have you saved me, [bonnie]? just this once, just for the hell of it, let me save you

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how many times have you saved me, [bonnie]? just this once, just for the hell of it, let me save you. ❞

the twelfth

❝ times end, [bonnie], because they have to

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❝ times end, [bonnie], because they have to. because there's no such thing as happy ever after. it's just a lie we tell ourselves because the truth is so hard. 

The Impossible Witch and The Lonely GodWhere stories live. Discover now