chapter ten ~ walk

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For most of the night I stared at the bunk above me that contained the nicest human I have ever met. I didn't realize until now that he treats me like an actual person. I've never been treated like that before.

And it feels great.

For my entire life I've been treated as an object, a test subject, a student, a refugee... I've never been treated like an actual person. Not even by my own mother. Dan is such a genuine guy and it astounds me that there are people like him still alive.

I end up falling asleep to the sound of my thoughts.

• • • • •

It wasn't what you can call a 'good nights sleep' but it was good enough. I did wake up once after a short nightmare that I forgot within seconds of opening my eyes. I shot up, gasping for air, and hit my head on the bunk bed. That woke up Dan.

"Hazel? What the hell was that? Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"Yes, it's not as bad as I'm used to though."
"Just remember that if you need anything, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere," Dan reminds me.
"Thank you," I remind him.

After he falls back to sleep, I get up, get dressed and go for a walk.

One thing that I love about all the abandoned cities I've been to, like London, is what it looks like. It looks kind of like the scenery in a video game I found out about when I was 13... The Last of Us, I think it was called? I never actually played it, but I found the guide. It had plenty of pictures of the beautiful scenery from within the game. It was a lucky find, but I sadly don't have it anymore.

Another thing that I love is that you can see the stars. Not just the stars, you can see all the constellations and you can see a bit of the Milky Way. I had an interest for the constellations when I was younger. That's how I know all the names. I read a quite a few books about them.

I read every single book I could get my hands on. I've read enough books that could last you a lifetime. But it helped me with learning. I'm grateful for that.

When I was born, my parents still lived in America. I went to a small 'school' there. It was more like being homeschooled but with a classroom and somewhat good teachers. It taught me enough to get by. And then when I was 8, we moved to London.

Wow, that was 16 years ago. I remember it like it could've been last week.

8 year old Hazel had no idea what was coming for her.

• • • • •

I walked for what seemed like hours. I walked and thought. It was just me and my mind alone. I was out for so long that I watched the sun peek up over the horizon. Its light washing over this once famous city. Sunrises and sunsets are just so beautiful.

Soon after, I started off back to the safehouse.

Surprisingly, no zombies were out. They must have migrated or something. I really think that me and Dan are the only ones in London. Other than that gun guy I knocked out when I first met Dan. I wonder what happened to him?

I approach the door and grab my key, unlocking it. As I walked down the stairs, I heard the sound of the shower running. So, Dan didn't die, that's good.

What food do we have left? I thought to myself as I searched.

A few granola bars, some cans of soup, very little pancake mix...

Enough to last us another 2 days, I think.

I begin to use up the rest of the pancake mix. I subconsciously go to make some coffee, but I decided against it as I realize what I'm doing. I think it's best if I stay away from caffeine for awhile.

I hear Dan turn off the water in the shower, but I continue to focus on my pancakes.

"Hazel? Is that you?" A voice comes from the washroom.
"Yep, who else would it be?"
"I don't know, maybe some serial killer who wants pancakes."
"Yeah, like there even is anyone else but us in London."

The door opens. "Wait, are we the only ones in London?"
I look over to see a wet-haired Dan standing there. He was fully dressed and looking much better than when I first met him. His hair nearly made me laugh. It was curly. But pieces were sticking out at odd ends as if he tried to make it straight but was unsuccessful. "As far as I know, yes."
"Really? That's actually kinda cool."
"How is that cool?" I ask without making eye contact, bringing my focus back to the pancakes.
"I remember a lot about London. I have had a few dreams of me waking around with someone, but I can't see their face. But being the only two people in one of the most famous cities that has ever been created is pretty cool to me."
"You've had dreams of London?"
"Yeah... Oh, have I've not told you? Sorry."
"No big deal. It certainly is interesting though. What did it look like?" I'm pretty sure it would have looked the same way it does now with Dan being only 28. He was born after The Fall.
"It looked... nothing like this." Oh... apparently I'm mistaken.
"It was full of life and happiness. It had buildings and skyscrapers that weren't destroyed. It was full of people that had places to go and the streets were filled with running cars. It was busy, but amazing. It was my home."

By now, I'm extremely confused. How could he have seen all of this? It was only like this before The Fall.

"Well, it's just a dream. You couldn't have actually seen all that... right?"
"I don't know, Hazel. It felt like I was actually there before. But you're right it's just a dream. I couldn't be that old," he laughs. I simply smile in return, still thinking about why he would have a dream like that.

It was my home.

Maybe there is more to this tall dorky man than I thought there was.

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