chapter nine ~ plan

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After we finished off our breakfast (Dan made these really awesome waffles), I continue the rest of my life story.

"...And that's when I ran off and started living this terrifying and somewhat boring life of mine. Without my family. So now you know pretty much everything about me," I finish up.
"Wow. You've been to hell and back."
"Yeah, no kidding."
"I wish I could tell you something about me but that can't exactly be done right now."
I give a small laugh, "I hope we can find out."
"Wait, we?"
"Of course. Even though you could be a spy and I don't know anything about you..."
"Well, I know some things about me. My name is Dan, I lived in London, I have a friend named Hazel," That made me smile. "I am somewhat good at cooking-" I slam my hand down on the table and quickly object, "No way! You are the best at cooking!"
He laughs and continues, "I am 28 years old... I think. Wait, how old are you?"
"Oh, okay," He pauses to think. "And I also recognize you, like, a lot. Can't forget that one."
"Have I told you I recognize you too?"
"No, and I wish you told me sooner so thanks," He jokes.
"Yeah, sorry about that. I kind of forgot..."
"Why do we recognize each other?"
"I have the same answer as you: I don't know."

He sighs and changes the subject, "What will we do when we run out of food?"
"We go get more."
"And how do we do that?"
"There is a secret organization that gives out packages of food to the people who need it. It's a month supply of food that can be quite helpful."
"Sounds good, we should get it soon."
"The next time they are giving food out is next week."
"Okay, we'll go then."
"It's not that simple though."
"And why is that? It's the location, isn't it," Dan will not be happy about the location.
"Yep. It's in Luxembourg."
"Where the hell is that?"
"It's in between Belgium, France and Germany. It's a small but very wealthy country. And they seem to be staying very strong since The Fall," I explain.
"Well, how do we get there then?"
"I usually find an old car that's still working. It's, like, a 7 hour drive."
"Not to burst your bubble, but where will we get this car? I have not seen a car that is even bearable to look at," good point, Mr. Articulation.
"Yet again, I have the same answer as you: I have no idea."
"You've done it before."
"Well, it's usually by luck. There isn't always a drivable car that I can find."
"Have you gone a month without food before?"
"In a matter of speaking, yes."
"And what exactly do you mean by that?"
"Well, I once had enough food for maybe 2 weeks. But I got um... attacked. I was too scared to go," I look away and think over the memory.
"You haven't told me this." Ah, yes. Here comes Mother Dan.
"Sorry," I immediately apologize.
"Could you tell me? Please?"
"How could I ever resist," I answer with sarcasm. "So, he was actually the spy my father sent. He was the one that gave me the scar," I say, referring to the one that draws from my left ear to my chin.
"He tried to... Well, I'm not sure what he tried to do. I think he was one of my father's experiments. He went insane. He said that I was the cause of the end of the world and that my father wasn't telling me something. He attacked me. I had no choice but to fight back. But he nearly killed me so I kil-" It's as if I've forgotten I was taking to someone. How do I say this without frightening Dan?
"You killed him?" Dan interrupts my thoughts. Oh no. Dammit, why am I telling him this?
"Yes," I respond in the quietest voice possible.
"Hazel, look at me."
I do what he requests.
"Did you kill him for a reason?"
"It was in self defense, right?"
I nod my head in response. "Sorry."
"No, it's okay. I believe you."
"Yes. But I just have to say that you are literally some sort of badass warrior."
"And what exactly is that supposed to mean?"
"It's a compliment."
"What type of compliment is that?"
"It's is one of the highest compliments that someone could ever be given," Dan says with a smile. I laugh.

"So, can we go search for a car tomorrow?" I ask.
"Yeah, let's do it."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Oh my gosh, this fanfic has hit 200+ views! Thank you everyone!
I'm still quite stuck with the writing right now, but I'm going as fast as I can.
But, again, thank you so much to everyone who has read this!

Stay rad,

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