The group burst through the double doors that led to urgent care, Chet shouting that they needed a doctor immediately. A woman in a white lab coat ran out from one of the offices and she went up to the paramedics, asking them all kinds of questions as she examined Harry. Liam and Niall stayed back, watching the whole scene with their arms wrapped around each other. "He needs to go into surgery for an immediate blood transfusion now!" The doctor yelled, a few nurses coming from behind the nurse's station to help wheel the boy off. Liam went to follow them but was held back by Chet once more. "No, I need to go with him! He's my little brother! Please, let me go! Please!" Liam screamed, thrashing around in the man's arms. The doctor that had ordered for Harry to go into surgery grabbed onto Liam's arm, trying to grab his attention. "I need you to calm down, sir. We are doing everything we can to help your brother, but you need to take a deep breath and sit down. Do it for him, okay?" Liam shook his head.

"No, I need to go see him. I can't let him die!" Liam ripped away from Chet and took off running toward the double doors that they had taken Harry through. Before he got through them, though, a security guard grabbed him and dragged him away, Liam screaming as he scratched at the man's arms. He was taken into an examination area where a nurse was sitting, ready to inject him with a sedative. He was pinned down onto the examination table and the nurse jabbed him on a vein, standing back in case Liam tried to hit her. Niall, who had followed them in, watched with teary eyes as Liam slowly went limp, the sedative taking over his body. "I'm sorry, but we had to do that for the safety of the staff and the patients," The nurse said apologetically to Niall, who shook his head. "No, it's fine. I've never seen him act that way." The nurse looked back at Liam with a sad look on her face before leaving the examination area, closing the curtain behind her.

Niall took a seat beside Liam, holding his hand tightly as the older boy looked around the room, a blank look on his face. "Liam, you really scared me. Why would you do that?" Liam slowly turned to look at the younger boy, gripping his hand a little tighter. "I'm so sorry, Niall," He slurred, the sedatives still having a strong effect on him. Niall nodded and kissed Liam's hand, closing his eyes as he tried to breathe deeply. "What if he dies?" Liam's croaky voice came once more from beside Niall and he opened his eyes, shaking his head at Liam. "No, we're not gonna think like that, Liam. We have to stay positive, for Harry. He's gonna be okay." He didn't believe any of the words coming out of his own mouth, but he needed to be strong for Liam. "If you're okay here, I'm just gonna go call Zee, tell him what the situation is." Niall kissed Liam's forehead and left the enclosed area, walking to a secluded part of the waiting room as he dialed Zayn's number.

"Hello, this is Zayn."

"Zayn, hi, it's Niall."

"Oh, hey, mate. What's up?"

"Umm, there's been a, uh, an...accident. I'm at th-the hospital right now."

"Oh my god, what happened? Which hospital are you at?"

"I'm at Doncaster Royal something. Harry, h-he..."

"What happened to Harry, Niall?"

"H-He fell and he h-hit his head and n-now he's g-getting a blood transfusion and I d-don't know what to do."

"Oh my god. I'm going there right now. Where-Where's Liam?"

"He freaked out and the d-doctors gave him a sedative."

"Shit, I'm getting in the car right now and I'll get there as soon as I can. Do you need anything?"

"Do you th-think you could call some of the boys and tell them what happened?

"Y-Yeah, babes, of course. I'll talk to you later."

"Yeah, bye, Zee."

Niall hung up the phone and collapsed in one of the chairs, sobbing into his hands as he thought about his Harry, laying all bloody on the floor of the mall. Liam, holding his depleted body as he sobbed into his curls. The crowd watching silently as the paramedics held Liam back from his brother. Zayn, crying as he was told what happened to Harry. He sat up, sniffling quietly as he rose to his feet. He needed to be there for Liam since he couldn't physically be with Harry. The nurses gave him pitying looks as he walked back to where Liam's bed was, opening the curtain before stepping inside. Liam was sitting up now, the drugs having worn off quickly, and he was quietly sobbing. "Oh, Li. Babe." Niall came over to him and sat down next to him on the bed, pulling him close so he could cry into his shoulder.

"Zayn is on his way, and he's calling the other guys to let them know. Do you need anything?" Liam shook his head and pulled back from Niall, wiping his runny nose with the back of his hand. "No, I'm okay. Did you call Louis?" Niall's heart dropped and he shook his head at the older boy. "No. What will I say to him? He'll be completely heartbroken." Liam sighed and pulled Niall in, knowing he hasn't been given any sort of comfort since they first saw Harry on the floor. "I'll call him if that helps. He needs to know, though." Niall nodded and pressed a kiss to Liam's lips. "Yeah, you should do it. He knows you better." Liam stood up from the bed and sat in one of the chairs while Niall left to give him some privacy. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and tapped Louis's contact, hearing it ring four times before the familiar voice answered.

"Mate, it's barely five in the fucking morning! Why the fuck are you calling me?"


"Li, what the fuck do you want?"

"It's...It's Harry."

"No. No no no, this can't be happening."

"Lou, stop."

"What happened, what happened to him?"

"He passed out and hit his head. He's in the hospital now."

"Oh my fucking god. Is he awake, is he unconscious, what's going on?"

"He's in surgery now, getting a blood transfusion. It doesn't sound good."

"No! No, Liam, shut up! You're lying!"

"Louis, shh, stop. You need to calm down."

"No, Liam! Harry's in the hospital! This wasn't supposed to happen!"

"I know, babe, I know, but-"

"Shut up! He's supposed to stay alive! We're supposed to get married and live our lives together, and then I'm going to die before him! This isn't how it was supposed to go!"

"Louis, babe, please just calm down. Take a deep breath, in and out. Just like that. Please, do this for Harry."

"What am I supposed to do?"

"I want you to go back to sleep. Get some rest, and then call me again when you feel better."

"No, I'm booking a flight back there. I can't be asleep in America while Harry's dying on the operating table."

"No, Louis, think this through-"

"I've had enough with thinking things through! You can't change my fucking mind! I'm getting on a plane and I'm coming back home."

"Fine, Lou. Just, be careful, okay?"

"Okay, Li."

"Bye. I love you."

"I love you too, Li. Bye."

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