Chapter 7

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Question since I obito one of my favorite characters in naruto

Do yall want obtio alive




I don't own any Naruto charaters or Oc Charaters

Also lets just say konahamru already meet y/n and naruto im to bothered to write that chapter.

Also lets say y/n mastered the flying raijin

Naruto: todays the day when we become offical ninja -naruto gets dressed -

Naruto: i think should be good.- looks in the mirror

- looks in the mirror

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-with y/n

Y/n: -wakes up-its the day we beging my road to becoming the worlds strongetst ninja

-goes to the mirrior- this should be good

-goes to the mirrior- this should be good

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-y/n goes down stairs-

Y/n: looks like saukra left already

-5 mins later naruto comes down stairs-

y/n: thought you was never going to come down stairs

Naruto: yea

Y/n: lets go or else well be late

-on the way the meet yf/n and sasuke-

Y/n: yo Yf/n: sasuke

Yf/n: hey y/n and naruto

Naruto: i'm surprised you both are not at school yet

Sasuke: and i'm surprised you both aren't late yet

Y/n: we will be late if we don't get to class on time

Yf/n: Yo y/n: when can i drop this act

Y/n: i said you coulve done it before or after the graduation exams

Naruto: you guys wanna have a race to see who can get to class first

Y/n: im down

Yf/n: if i can beat y/n the yea sure

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