Chapter 7 - An Overdue Talk

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Hey guys! It's SonicBlade here. And today we're finally back and beginning a new episode of RWBYK: Darkness at Twilight! Sorry for the long wait, I had to step back because I was losing my motivation to write this and because my partner was unavailable for quiet some time. I'll try to get my inspiration back as I got along. (Sorry if the chapter title sucks. Didn't know what else to call it.) With that out of the way, get started!

"...After that, we all decided to keep it to ourselves." Ky finished explaining his story. He looked around the room say everyone was shocked would be an understatement. Silence reigned supreme in the room as everyone tried to take in what they were told, with different reactions.

"Vanitas...A name I never thought I'd hear again." Leon said, rubbing his eyes. "A violent, ruthless, and cold-hearted warrior that will crush anyone that stands in his way."

"So no one else knows about this right? Only the teams do?" Aerith asked, knowing that of others where to know about his origins, it wouldn't end well.

Ky shrugged "Pretty much. Though Mom's team knew as well."

"Not only did they go after you but they also managed to drag your friends along. Damn it!" Tifa seethed, slamming her fist onto the table. "And on top of that, he's working with that same bastard that kil-Damn it!"

"Though I don't agree with the usage of such language, Tifa's right." Aerith said, her once soft and loving features twisting into a furious frown. "The fact he was able to strike when no one was around means they must be making their move."

"If that's the case, they'll keep coming after Ky no matter what." Yuffie added, her hands forming into fists. "Man, I really want to hurt him!"

Cloud had remain silent throughout the whole ordeal, but if one where to look closely, they would've seen he was trying hard to hold in his anger. "Aqua tried so hard to make sure no one would ever got out about this. Seems like it was enough."

"This just means we have to work twice as hard to make sure it doesn't get worse" Aerith stated, glancing over to Ky.

"About that..." Ky said, getting the group's attention. "Mom told me everything about her plan herself."

Everyone froze at upon hearing this, and looked at the blunette in complete utter shock. "Wh....what do you mean Aqua told you?" Tifa inquired, sharing a look with the others.

"After my encounter with Vanitas. How if anything...were to happen, you guys would protect me and give me a 'normal life.'"

"How...How is that possible?" Aerith asked, holding a hand to her chest.

The blunette shook his head. "I'm not sure myself. All I know was that I was drifting within a dark abyss and then her spirit appear in front of me and explained mostly everything."

"Well...that's interesting" Yuffie joked, attempting to lessen the tension in the room.

"That isn't what I would call it" Aerith commented with a sigh. "This is a lot to take in."

"That was pretty much how the others reacted when I told them." Ky joked.

"By others, you mean Aptus and your other friends?" Tifa asked, crossing her arms while getting a nod in return.

"Well, look on the bright side: At least Ky here knows bit more about his origins!" Yuffie chirped.

"But how was Aqua able to do something like that?" Tifa questioned. "She's been gone for almost a decade now."

"Don't forget. This IS Aqua we're talking
Leon spoke up. "She probably stored some of her own energy within Ky. In most ways, she was Master in her own right."

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