Chapter 5 - A Taste of the Good Life

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Hey Everyoooooone! It's SonicBlade here with a new episode of RWBYK: The True King 2.5! Also, I wanna give a quick shout out to my new friend PAngel135 from Wattpad for helping with the last chapter. Thanks a lot once again! With that out of the way, let's get started!

(Opening Theme - BTOOOM!)


They stepped inside, all but the Twilight Town residents were shocked upon seeing the grand sight of inside the bistro.

They stepped inside, all but the Twilight Town residents were shocked upon seeing the grand sight of inside the bistro

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"Wow, it sure is fancy!" Ruby gawked, as her head turned left and right rapidly.

"I feel so out of place..." Jaune muttered, rubbing his head nervously.

"Meh, you'll get use to it." Hayner waved him off before walking deeper into the bistro.

"Let's take our seats." Pence spoke up, gesturing to the tables that were set up outside.

Everyone nodded and began to take their seats; Aptus and Yang, Ky and Ruby, Ren and Nora, Pyrrha and Jaune, Weiss and Blake, and lastly Yuffie with Olette, Hayner and Pence.

"So Remy we brought them here to taste the best food in town." Remy then made some signs with his hands, like he was preparing food, and gave the girl a thumbs up."Alright sounds good!" The ninja girl answered

"What did he say?" Blake asked, tilting her head.

"Oh, that he is going to prepare the food" Aptus answered, then noticed Remy making more handsigns. "Also, in the spirit of celebration, it's on the house."

"Yes! Do you need any help buddy?" Ky offered, as he walked up to the faunus chef, who nodded with a smile.

"Wait, you can cook?" Weiss asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Pssh, of course I can! I just never had a chance to do so at Beacon." Ky said before hugging Ruby. "Wait till you guys try the food. It's gonna blow. your. freaking. minds. It's out of this world."

"You keep telling us this, but we have yet to try it." Yang said.

"Well be prepared, my poor unenlightened Yang. Soon the next set of tears you'll ever shed will be tears of joy!" Ky continued without missing a beat. "You shall see the light of truth, justice and everything good in the world, packed on one amazing plate of almighty deliciousness."

"You're taking this way too seriously." Weiss commented.

"Still not unconvinced, Snow White?" Ky sighed, before gaining a determined look. "Very well. I shall show thee the power of deliciousness! Come, Remy! To the kitchen!"

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