Pyropes day Off

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Pyrope was playing with little Rui and nezuko until she saw Tanjiro getting nezuko into the box.

"Oh hi Tanjiro, where are you going?" Asked Pyrope.

"I am going to the swordsmiths village so I can search for my swords smith. Wanna come with me?" Asked Tanjiro and pyrope thought for a second.

"I would like to but I can't, you see I am going on a mission shinobu." Said Pyrope as she put Rui in his box.

"Oh really? Well I hope you do well on your mission." Said Tanjiro and they both parted ways.


It was a simple mission but Shinobu took this opportunity to fuse with pyrope by faking that she was in trouble. Of course she wasn't in trouble but she just wanted to see a fusion for herself.

When they fused Shinobu felt stronger and saw her and pyrope's fusion and she got a say, she looks fabulous.

"Looks like this is fun!" Said Shinobu as she looked at herself in the fusion.

Shinobu felt pleased by being in a fusion, she could now hold many things if she wanted to and could make clones of herself and she decided to tease giyu.

"Hey giyu how come you never be in a fusion? Because no one likes you." Said Shinobu while giyu looked the fusion she was in, he felt somewhat weirded out by the fusion.

Then pyrope unfused with Shinobu and was now about to walk away when Shinobu called her.

"Pyrope! I have a few questions to ask you." Said Shinobu and pyrope seeing no trouble went over to Shinobu to hear her questions.

"So pyrope, how many people did you fuse with so far?" Asked Shinobu.

"Well, there was nezuko, Sanemi, and you!" Said Pyrope as she count on her fingers and Shinobu had a clever smirk on her face.

"Pyrope how about you fuse with giyu? Just curious about how your fusion will be." Said Shinobu, but giyu was about to walk away when Shinobu ran over to giyu and pushed him into pyrope making them fuse.

"Perfect! All according to plan! Hopefully this will improve my research." Thought Shinobu as she took out a pen and notebook from her haori.

She saw a tall female with four arms a dark purple eyes and dark pink hair in a ponytail with a haori with dark pink and the other half was the green and yellow mismatched pattern.

"Can I go now?" Asked Giyu as Shinobu wrote down the figure and finished.

"Yup!" Said Shinobu as the two unfused then Shinobu dragged her away, while giyu looked at pyrope.


For the rest of the day pyrope was kind of forced to fuse with the other pillars by Shinobu and she didn't know why Shinobu done it.

Gyomei's fusion was tall muscular but feminine and short hair, Rengoku's fusion was proud, strong and lots of fun to hang around.

Tengen's was flamboyant, looks model like, kind of revealing with pale pink hair. Obanai's fusion was an average size with a mask with short dark pink, one eye was purple and the other a calm pinkish orange.

Muichiro and mitsuri were at the sword smith's village so lucky for pyrope she had a break.

"This is interesting pyrope! By fusion the hashira's strength is combined with yours and with that their strengths got doubled or weaknesses are strengths." Said Shinobu as she looked at the different fusions while pyrope enjoyed some mochi.

"Yeah that's what fusion is all about, to get stronger and sometimes it like a commitment to some gems back at homeworld." Said Pyrope.

"Like marriage?" Asked Shinobu.

"Like that kind of commitment yes." Said Pyrope as she saw the stars outside and saw the moon lowering for the sun.

As they were talking about the fusions and other things a crow came yelling.

"CAW!! Sword smith's village is under attack by upper moon Five and four! Caw! Go immediately with the other hashira!!" Yelled the crow and the two looked at each-other and they went in a hurry.


They saw the destruction and the most shocking thing was nezuko conquering the sun.

Pyrope went over to Tanjiro and muichiro to see if they were alright but she found out about a mark.

She was playing with nezuko and rui when zenitsu came along and threw a fit because nezuko said Inosuke.

Pyrope ended up holding Zenitsu back from trying to hurt inosuke. Inosuke ended up fighting Zenitsu and surprisingly Zenitsu won and pyrope questioned her reality.


"So nezuko can walk in daylight? That is wonderful and terrible news." Said Pyrope and Tanjiro was now confused.

"What do you mean 'terrible news'? Nezuko can walk in the sunlight." Said Tanjiro and pyrope looked at him raising an eyebrow.

"If she can walk in daytime then Muzan might try to get to her." Said Pyrope and Tanjiro realized and thought about it.

"If that's so then we must protect nezuko."

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