The Docter pt.2

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As pyrope tried to stop the man from attacking his wife and tanjiro took her place and now pyrope was comforting the woman.

Muzan's daughter looked away and muzan was comforting her and they walked away. Tanjiro looked at muzan then at the man he couldn't get a choice to pick.

"MUZAN KIBUTSUJI!! I'm not letting you get away!! No mater where you go!! I'll follow you to the depths of Hell, and I swear I'll slice off your head with my blade!!" Yelled tanjiro at muzan who was walking away, annoyed by tanjiro.

The cops came to the picture and tried to get tanjiro off from the man while ignoring his pleas for restraints. Then a woman in a floral kimono with a boy with light green hair looked at them.

"Scent of illosory blood, visual dream." Said the woman in the floral kimono. As tanjiro was confused by the scent the two came into pyrope's sight and she looked at them confused but trusting.

"You still use the term "person" to refer to one who's become a demon. And you try to save him" Said the woman as she looked at tanjiro then pyrope with curiosity.

"Allow me, then, to lend you a hand." Said the lady

"Why? Your scent tells me.." Asked tanjiro.

"That's right. I am a demon, but also a doctor, and I also wish to see Kibutsuji obliterated." Said the lady.

"You aren't coming with us?" Asked the young girl.

"Daddy have some meetings to attend. I'm also concerned about that disturbance just now." Said muzan.

"Dear...." Said rei as she looked at her "husband".

"Don't worry, I'm only going to speak with the police. Now get in." Said muzan.

"Daddy, come home soon, okay?" Asked the girl as she was in the car.

"All right. You be a good girl now. Take them back to the house." Said muzan and the car drove away to their home and muzan walked into an alleyway.

As he walked in the alleyway a couple of drunks made him angry and he killed two of the men.

"Do I look pale? Do I look sickly. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. I'm a living being who's infinitely close to perfection." Said muzan as he glared at the woman who was full of fear.

He soon stick his finger through the woman's forehead and gave her a high concentration of his blood and soon the lady died.

"Bring me the head of the demon slayer who wears hanafuda earrings and the girl who has a gem stuck to her belly." Ordered muzan and the two demons left quickly.


As tanjiro was getting a lecture from the udon cart man, pyrope was still eating hers, which she was looking forward to eat and was eating every piece of her food.

"I'd like two bowls!!" Yelled tanjiro at the udon cart owner who was taken aback from tanjiro when he quickly ate the two bowls and pyrope thought it was normal for the organics.

After tanjiro finished pyrope kept her bowl as a memory and walked away with tanjiro. As no one was in sight she bubbled her bowl and placed her hand on it making disappeared into her gem.

"That's amazing!" Said tanjiro and then pyrope stopped to look at the boy who was hiding behind a tree not to far from them.

"You waited for us?" Asked tanjiro.

"Because I was told to bring you to see her." Said yushiro.

"I could've followed your scent." Said tanjiro.

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