Golden Duo... and a superpower AU... cause um... yes

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A/N G o l d e n D u o . Seriously I've just found out that this duo exists and I'm amazed I haven't sooner.

3rd POV

"HEY ICARUS WE NEED TO GO! PREFERABLY RIGHT NOW!" A boy in a red and white hoodie glanced up at his friends shout.

"FINE! FUCKING COLOR BITCH!" Another boy, this one in a purple hoodie, rolled his eyes and offered his hand to 'Icarus'.

"Yeah, yeah! Come on they'll be here soon!" Begrudgingly the Icarus took the offered hand. Pulling the boy in red and white up, the boy in purple took off across the concrete.

"WAIT UP PU- BLATTA!" (A/N 'blatta' is one translation of 'purple' to Latin. It also means 'moth') Icarus started after his comrade. Distant sirens could be heard approaching the place the two were.

"NO!" Blatta shouted back in a clear attempt to mess with Icarus.

"FUCK YOU BITCH!" Blatta laughed at Icarus's meaningless insults. It was fun and games for the two.

Suddenly the boy in purple stopped. His partner halted next to him.

"That's not good." The words were no more then a whisper but Icarus easily heard them.

"Who is it?" They both knew that no matter who it was they were probably an enemy. The duo had a lot of enemies.

"The Team and Captain." Icarus nodded. They could MAYBE take The Team if it was just them. But with Captain there to the chances of them winning plummeted further.

"Where?" Blatta bit his lip, trying to focus.

"Mask is to the right. Error behind us. Bonfire is to the left and Captain about two in front of us." Blatta looked at Icarus sullenly. There wasn't much that they could do.

"We're fucked if Mask or Bonfire gets to us. Error is a no-go especially with Captain here so I guess just Captain on her own will be our best bet." Blatta nodded before cringing slightly.

"That would be our best bet..." Blatta trailed off slightly, concerning Icarus.


"Your not going to like this." Of course he wasn't. This situation was horrible as is.

"What is it Purpled." Purpled glared at Icarus. He really hated being the bearer of bad news.

"Well Tommy. We have a fifth guest. And that just so happens to be Warden. Behind Captain." Tommy groaned quietly. There was no way to get out of this situation. Captain and Warden didn't team up often but when they did no one escaped. So with those two and The Team...

"Well we're fucked." Purples nodded before looking at Tommy with a gleam in his eyes.

"There is one way out of this..." Tommy looked at him confused before realizing what he meant. His grinned at his partner and nodded.

"If we get caught I'm blaming you." Purpled rolled his eyes and smiled at Tommy.

"Alright. That's if we get caught though. Now come on, the second we move they'll attack." Purples grabbed Tommy's wrist and ran toward where he'd said Warden and Captain were. A whistle rang through the air and the "battle" began.

A man with a green hoodie and white smiling mask was first to get to the duo. The pair in question dodged an admittedly obvious punch and kept going towards Warden and Captain.

A wave of fire came from their left, lighting up a man with black hair tied up by a white bandanna.

"QUICKLY BEFORE ER-" Purpled started before getting cut off by a high pitched whir followed by a flash of light.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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