Evilboo. Need I say more? Might be more of Insaneboo or something look idk-

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A/N NEED 👏🏼 I 👏🏼 SAY 👏🏼 MORE 👏🏼 ? No? Good. I like making the good characters evil especially if it's justifiable evil no matter how much of a stretch. Or you know... whatever the heck this is

WARNING! This has A LOT of mentions of death as well as a few mentions of suicide. Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with topics like those. You have been warned.

3rd POV

Ranboo liked to pretend to be the amnesiac enderman with absolutely no ill intent. None whatsoever. I mean... who would ever think that RANBOO of all people would be the villain. Well I suppose there's always one person who can see through the disguise.

Rain was clinking on the roof and windows of buildings. Thunder clapped in the distance as heavier storm clouds rolled in over the SMP. Not many were outside. Small groups had gathered in 'rain parties' to help entertain each other while waiting out the storm.

That is except for two figures on top of Pandora's Vault. The flat obsidian surface was slick with water. The two stared at each other. One smiled menacingly. The other had a grim look on their face.

"Why, Ranboo?" A sickening laugh came from the smiling figure, Ranboo. A neutral expression suddenly covered his face.

"Because I have to. I've done everything else. You wouldn't get it though. You haven't gone through it." Ranboo's tone was cold and empty. He really was just the villain because he thought it was the way out. He knew it was the way out. It had to be.

"That's where your wrong. You think your alone in this, that the only way to escape it is to be what it wants you to be, that the only way to escape it is to be the villain! Your not alone. There are others. There are others who've escaped! They escaped it!" Ranboo frowned. Were there really others? He'd met so many people and he's never met another. No there weren't others. Especially not others who'd escaped another way. The only way out was to be the role in the story that it wanted. It wouldn't let you out until you played your part.

"THERE ARE NO OTHERS! YOUR LYING! I HAVE TO DO IT! EVERY STORY HAS A VILLAIN!" Tears streamed down Ranboo's face. He didn't truly want to be the villain. It was just the only way he hadn't tried to get out.

"There are others. I'm one. I know what it's like. The only difference is I've found others sooner. Others who knew how to escape. Who know how to escape." Ranboo shook his head. There was no escape other then this. He'd been trapped in it for so long. How could there be others in this one. He was sure there were others in other ones but not this one.

"No. No your not. How have we not met if your one! You cant be one! I've been here for so long!" Was be hallucinating? Yeah that had to be it! This wasn't real. Maybe this was a dream! Maybe all of this was just a horrible nightmare! Maybe he'd wake up at home, back in his world, out of this stupid story! No it had been too long for that. He'd felt too much pain for even the most detailed nightmare.

"We have met! In almost every other try we have met! I've just never said anything and I'm sorry for that, I just- I just didn't know how." Their tone was sad and pleading. An apology.

"Fine. Who were you, let's say last time." Ranboo glared at the figure. Let's just say if looks could kill then they wouldn't be doing to well.

"Theer." Ranboo stumbled back as if the word physically pained him. He couldn't have been- he wasn't-

How else could he know? The logical part of him whispered. Though the logical part was also the hopeful part. The part that wanted nothing more then to believe that they were like him. That they knew a way out. A way other then playing the part because who knows how long that would take. There were to many parts to play, to many scripts to try. He'd never escape.

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