She endured it patiently, until she was crying at home. She wouldn't open the bedroom's door for her mother.

She took off the clothes, and cut it to pieces.

She really hates herself to be so ugly, also hates Lisa. How could she wear the same one as hers? It let her to be sad.

During the study, she is very young and inexperienced, she couldn't hide her hostility and just showed her hate for her. She started to make sarcastic comment toward Lisa, provoking, arguing, she even said bad words behind her back.

From junior to senior high school, that six years she never win against Lisa, she couldn't accept it.

When they were getting into university, they stayed in different cities. She underwent two times of plastic surgery to make this beautiful face. Occasionally she would hear bad news about Lisa. She thought finally she would get retribution for what she did.

Who could guess that Lisa could know Jungkook, she even didn't dare to lust after him. Lisa could publicly sit down beside him with his acknowledgement. She is protected by him and has admiration from a lot of netizens. She really jealous of her.

That kind of hate started to appear inside her again, she couldn't easily let Lisa to win. She wanted to expose her lies.

Lisa didn't know that Susan noticed clues about them, because Jungkook chose to not let her know and be overcautious.

For this matter, he could handle it.

"Tomorrow I would cook for you." He sent her a message, to show his seriousness when he promised something.

"Where would it be?"

"Come to my place?"

"Your place? Is it convenient?"

"If it's inconvenient, then let me come to your place."

..... wouldn't it be the same?

But he has a car, indeed it was more convenient for him to come to her place. Lisa agreed to be in her little place.

For welcoming her one hundred ninety meters "boyfriend" to come to her house as guest, Lisa tidied her house urgently.

She wiped the kitchen counter and tableware layer by layer cleanly. She also wiped the dining room and living room. She tidied up the old newspaper and weekly publication and sold it out. She watered her small plants in the balcony. She even wiped all the bathroom and didn't even let one root of hair left. She sprayed an aromatic scent.

After the cleaning, the whole room turned to be very spacious. He shouldn't be too cramped inside her little house.

It was obvious, her expectation is too much.

Next day in the afternoon, Jungkook came over with ingredients. He examined her house: "This little house, even the air is felt crowded."

He said it then placed down his things, and directly went to the balcony. He opened the window.

"It would be too hot." Lisa used her hands to cover her forehead: "Today it is thirty nine degrees."

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