Maiden Fair Maiden

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The Fair was bustling. Watched over by the looming Castle of King John and Queen Isabella. Rows upon rows of market stalls, all selling items of a varying kind; clothes, toys, jewellery, weapons, armour, even wood carvings and whittling. There was a whole section devoted to food; butchers and bakers and farmers.

There were games set up for children to play, only small games like trying to hit a whittled fox with a shabby looking leather handball, hide and seek of course, and a group of small boys chasing a stray chicken around. Niki did not envy them. They must get so bored.

She turned to Robbin, who was leaned against a tree by the jewellery stall, an arrow playing in his hands, his famous bow slung over his back. He had zoned out for the third time that hour and Niki were starting to get fidgety.

"Scoping the area" Charlie had said. They were all split up amongst themselves, all standing around different corners of the Fairground, keeping an eye out for any sketchy looking behaviour. Like they themselves didn't look dodgy.

"How much longer do we have to wait here?" She asked, eyeing a leather bracelet. Something Maggie would probably adore.

"Until Thalia, Will and Tuck make their way around to us." Robin monotonously repeated what Marian had told him to do just a few hours ago.

Niki winced at that. Thalia still hadn't spoken to her about what had been said two days prior. Thalia wasn't speaking to her, full stop. Niki felt so bad about the argument, she didn't even speak to Charlie, let alone Kalen. If the others noticed any shift in the air, nobody said anything.

"And when will that be, exactly?" Niki drawled, brushing her hands through the loose curls of her hair.

"No idea, but I'm getting restless too. I need to do something, anything. We have waited long enough." Robin sighed, pacing the side of the stall, earning an irritated look from the woman selling the jewellery.

Niki was silent for a long moment, contemplating. "Why Marian?" She asked. This particular question had been replaying in her mind for a few days now.

Robin stilled. "'Why Marian', what? I don't follow."

"Why Marian? I mean, you're beloved by many people. What's so special about her? – I don't mean that in a nasty way, just curious, I guess."

Robin considered this. His forehead creased slightly as he thought. ". . . She. . . She was the only person like me. We are the same."

Niki gave a light smile to this. She could see why Robin liked her– she wasn't blind. But she also wasn't stupid. It was obvious, at least to her, that Robin also felt that same way towards John.

"And what about John?" She asked, trying to be as gentle as possible around the subject. Charlie may be open about it, but that's not the same for everyone.

"What about John?" Robin sighed, picking a long blade of grass from the floor and tearing at it like a bored child.

"It's just. . . The way you look at each other. I've never seen anyone look at someone like that. You certainly don't look at Marian like that. And come to think of it, I haven't once seen you and Marian kiss or share one ounce of a romantic moment."

She expected him to shout at her, snort in disgust or walk away. He didn't. He just nodded. Threw the torn up pieces of grass into the wind and bit his nail in concentration as if Niki had said something deeply philosophical.

"Yes. I know." He sighed again. "I. . . I didn't leave home willingly, Lady Nikita. I was thrown out – so was Will, for sticking up for me. . . I've always been different, just didn't realise how much it would cost me."

He scratched his head debating something to himself. ". . . I love Marian. But I'm afraid I am not in love with her. I'd die for her, as would all. But John, he is who I live for."

Niki smiled, reassuring him. Perhaps he sensed Charlie was different too, and Kalen – a bit. Maybe that's why he felt so comfortable expressing his feelings.

"Marian knows –of course. It was her idea really. You see, people can be cruel Nikita, so very cruel and vicious. We all agreed, to keep the peace between us and the villagers, just whilst we settle for a bit, that in the eyes of the public, we– Marian and I –would 'be together'."

"You mean. . . you pretend to be with Marian, just to please others?" Niki asked, although the answer was pretty clear to her. Poor John.

"Only when outsiders are close by. It's the safest way, for John, me, and Marian." He hastily explained.

"Marian? What's Marian got to be scared of?"

"Marian is different too, like John and I– And you're friend, I think. Apologies if you feel as if we have deceived you in any way, that was not our intention. –Well it was, but not in a bad way." Robin finally met her eyes.

"It's alright Robin, honestly. You have absolutely nothing to apologise for. . . But you could have lied, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, to your parents, you could have lied, married a girl like you and John, and continued in secret. Though I guess that's no way to really live." Niki added.

Robin smirked, "My parents caught me with the shepherd boy. Couldn't avoid the confrontation." A quiet chuckle from him. ". . . It makes no difference, my answer has always been the same; I would sooner live in poverty with John, than be wealthy and without love. The same goes for Marian, should you be brave enough to ask her."

Niki nodded, glancing around in case of eavesdroppers. None was near enough to hear, and anyone who passed by, simply was too busy to pay attention.

"And besides, I think we should all be free to love who we want, without question or judgment or scorn. Don't you agree?"

She nodded again, a smile spread across her face as she reached forwards and hugged Robin tight. "Thank you."

He didn't ask what for, she figured he already knew. Just for being himself. For talking.

A few minutes later, Will was spotted walking down the closest row of stalls, following was tuck. "Where's Thalia?" She asked as they made their way to Robin.

"Lady Thalia has gone to meet the others, we have found something." Tuck said, smiling at a passer-by.

Will came forwards, closer still, "You must come back with us now." He murmured.

They nodded in agreement, following the other two men as they had asked.
They lead them to the edge of the Fair, where only a dirt road was carved leading directly to the nearest village.

Everyone was waiting for them by the time they got there. "What's going on?" Niki asked, meeting Charlie's eyes, she couldn't really look at the others between her argument with Lia, disagreement with Maggie, and the personal subject that was Kalen.

"We think Allan is being held by a Lord. We're not entirely sure which house but it's definitely one of them." She finalised.

"Great. And you know this for sure. . . How exactly?" Niki drawled, exasperated.

"We received an anonymous note." Marian stated, holding it in her hands, "Could be a trap, could be true. Not entirely sure but it's worth a go." She handed it over to Robin, who walked over to John's side.

"You think it's true?" He asked him.

John shrugged, "I'd certainly sleep better tonight if I knew for certain."

Robin smirked, "a search and rescue it is then."

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