Meeting up with Mr. Enollavac

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We were soon out in the halls, at a constant leisure pace. With the Principle talking about what kind of classes they had, and what kind of school, Namimori High was like. "- and so you see, Youroi-kun, we are very happy to have you here in Namimori High!"

I nodded, still trying to process the fast information that I was given. Anymore and I would be brain fried... "Right,"

"So, Youroi-kun," He turned to me, his smile warm. "have you thought about your dreams and goals?"

"Dreams and goals?" I repeated, frowning. The last time I had those would probably be in my past life... not like I could remember them at all. I hadn't had a single one in this life... at least not to my knowledge... "No..."

"Ah, still nothing?" He gave a sheepish laugh. "I see, well not to worry, during your stay here, I want you think about them! It's good to have a dream or a goal in your lifetime!"

I blinked at his cheery attitude, was he always like this? "Ah, okay, I'll... try?"

"No, no! That won't due, Youroi-kun!" Mr. Enollavac grew serious for a second. "You need to have the resolve to a promise like this!"

I frowned. "Resolve? Like a resolution?"

"Yes, yes, something like that!" He grew giddy, going back to his carefree self. He patted me on the back. "Now I'll go through the rules of Namimori High!"

We resumed walking, with him going from the first rule all the way down. I gave a nod every now and then, assuming that set of rules were the same as any High School in the world. Respect, strikes, studying well, attendence and all that. "- we also have an heirachy system here."

I frowned in thought. "An heirachy system?"

"Yeah, it's basically a system that allows you to have your respect grow, everyone here started at having zero points, but as time progressed they all are in varying points on the chart!" He stated happily.

"How do you even earn the points?" I questioned.

"It's rather easy, really," He grinned, and was about to answer my question when some yell broke through cutting him off.

"Ah! Dino-san, there you are! Aha~ Reborn was looking for you!" The figure down the hall was hard to make out, but it was clear that he was a pretty tall guy... "He said something about burning your paperwork if you didn't show up!"

"What!? Are you serious?" Mr. Enollavac grew pale, his eyes wide. "What happened to Romario?"

"He had other business, and had to leave!"

The blonde man groaned, his head in his hand. "Why?"

I didn't say anything, more like it would be too awkward to say anything, and awaited the next course of action. Luckily, the Principle's self woe was cut short, I bet he was worried about the paperwork in his room being burned... He turned to me, apologizing profusely. "I'm sorry I can't be with you for much longer, Youroi-kun, but I have to attend to urgent business."

Urgent business? I raised a brow at the word choice. Getting your paperwork and room burned was not an urgent business but an emergency, so how could he stay so calm? He continued. "Anyways, why not head home for today, and I'll have your uniform and school supplies delievered to you as soon as possible, now will if you will excuse me."

He gave one last charming smile before making his way to his office. I watched him leave until he turned at the corner, I then took a look around at my surroundings and scratched my head. "Maybe I should have paid attention to where we were walking..."


At dinner that night, we were gathered at the dining table eating a meal of rice and curry, my mom's speciality. My dad spoke up first. "So, Youroi, how was Namimori High?"

I paused chewing and thought, after swallowing my morsel. "It was... normal, I guess."

"You guess?" Big brother raised a brow at my statement.

"Well, it was either that, or slightly weird." I gave a shrug, turning my attention back to my food.

"How was the building, Youroi?" I glanced at my mom, stuffing a pickled vegetable in my mouth.

"It was huge," I answered. "you wouldn't think that it was a school but private property, since it was built on a hill just past the housing."

"Oh my, that sounds really extravagant!" My mom giggled. "You should take me there once at least!"

"Okay, that's a promise then." I nodded, smiling. Dinner then went on as usual, with them talking about the changes in their location of choice. I smiled, not wanting this family bonding to change.

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