His voice was amazing. He finished the song and looked at me. Aleksi's arm was still around mine but I didn't care. I only cared about the man who just angrily sang a Beartooth song. When his eyes met mine I could tell he was still angry but I was confused as to why he was mad. I stood up and started walking towards the angry man. He noticed me walking towards him and ran outside. "Mort, let him be. Come back to the table." Tommi said pulling a deck of cards out of his pocket. He had a deck of cards this entire time? Whatever. "Guys one of your best friends just ran out of a bar after singing 'Fed Up'. Are you not like, I don't know, worried?" I asked them. "Nope. He's just drunk." Joel said smirking at Niko. "Well I'm going after him." I said turning my back to the boys. I worked my way through the tables and made it to the door. I ran out and saw him getting in an Uber. We made eye contact as he closed the door. His car drove off and I was left standing at the door.

I made my way into the bar and sat down at the table. The boys were in the middle of a very intese game of Go Fish. "What? You knew I had an Ace. You cheated." Olli said to Tommi. "Dumbfuck you showed me your cards. When you say 'lOoK aT mY cArDs' then I'm going to look at them." Tommi flicked Olli's forehead. Olli's jaw just dropped and so did his cards. I swooped in and picked up the cards from all five boys. "Alright, let's get you all home. Joonas already left," I tried to sound motherly. I put the cards back in the sleeve when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and it was a group of three girls.

"Hi, my name is Elea and I was just wondering if you were that girl that sang the cover of the Blondie song," she said to me looking at her friends. I completely forgot about that video and the fact that i have at least 10,000 new followers on Instagram. "Oh my, yes I am," I responded and the table of boys all stopped to pay attention to us. "Well I just want to say that you're really pretty and you should definitely keep singing. Also I can't believe you're friends with Blind Channel they're the coolest Eurovision entry Finland has had since Lordi," Elea said visibly getting more excited.

"You know I didn't even know who they were until this morning," I told her leaning so only she would hear. Her eyes widened as she faced the boys. "Seeing you and Joonas together made me think you guys have known each other forever. That's crazy that you met him last night. Where is he?" she asked me. I sighed thinking of the blonde making eye contact as he stepped into the car. "Um, he turned in for the night," I said staring behind her at a group of guys who just walked in. "Oh super cool. Well I have to get back to my group. Thanks Morticia, you're super cool." Elea said noticing her friends had sat back down. She waved and I returned the gesture. I turned back towards the guys and they all started clapping. "Congratulations Mort, you just met your first fan," Niko said patting my back.

"Alright boys. I'm leaving before it gets too late," I said grabbing my purse. The boys went back to their game of Go Fish so they just nodded and I left. I called an Uber and once I made it to my apartment I threw my clothes on the floor and drew a bath. I pulled hair up using a clip and slowly slipped into the hot water. After relaxing for like 10 minutes the water started getting colder so I decided to get my lazy ass out. I dried myself off and sat on my bed, checking my phone. It was midnight but I figured I would text Joonas to make sure he was okay.

@morticiaantilla: hey joonas. idk what just happened but are you okay? you left super suddenly.

Almost immediately the message was opened by him and he started typing.

@joonasbc: jm fune mort. don't text ne. don't wirry ahour me.

@morticiantilla: joonas are you drunk? i'm calling you and you better answer.

@joonasbc: ehat ok.

I pressed the video chat button on the top right corner. The line rang for a few seconds before a very sluggish Joonas answered the phone. His face was red and his eyes looked tired. I also noticed music playing in the background.

"Joonas, what the fuck happened?" I asked him. I was still confused as to why he ran out of the bar angrily. He sighed at the question and took a long draw from a cigarette. Oh so he was smoking too, great. "Joonas, answer me," I pressured him. He rolled his eyes slightly before answering the question. "Listen, doll face, some things are better left for the adults." He said bringing the cigarette to his lips again. "Joonas, what the fuck? Why can't you just tell me what happened. All your friends are seemingly unbothered by your disappearance but I'm not. So please, tell me what's wrong." I angrily pleaded with him. We both went silent and I could finally hear the song in the background.

Did not mean to 'cause a wave, you've got nothing left to say. Toxic and fucked as you wanna be. You're the disease to the remedy. Did not mean to 'cause the wave, just don't let it crash on me. Toxic and fucked as you wanna be. You're the disease to the remedy.

"I- I don't know what to say." He finally got out. I sat there expectantly. He moved the camera down and I got a better view of the space he was in. He seemed to be on a couch with dozens of empty bottles surrounding him. A packet of cigarettes were open on the table and a lighter next to them. He seemed like a mess.

It's not about the things you say. It's learning how to walk away. Go have your fun. I've had enough. Everybody knows. One day, it's gonna kill you.

"Actually. I do know what to say." He said after another moment of silence. He took a sip from a beer bottle and I just raised my eyebrow. "What is it," I awaited his answer.

I am the remedy

"Go have fun with Aleksi." He said almost spitting the words at me.

I am the remedy

"Joonas wha-" I tried to explain but he hung up on me. I flopped back into bed. The blonde one's words replayed in my head over and over again go have fun with Aleksi. What the hell does that even mean. I cant be bothered so I get myself ready for bed. I closed my eyes, but Joonas' expression as my tongue licked the salt off of Aleksi's neck replayed in my mind. This is so stupid I've known him for less than 48 hours and he's already occupying my thoughts. After countless hours tossing and turning I finally am able to push the blonde out of my mind and go to sleep.

HEY YALL. ok so this took me FOREVER. i'm coming home from vacation tomorrow morning so hopefully i'll be able to post more regularly BUT YEAH.

ok i keep watching/rewatching all the eurovision blind channel interviews and WHEN I SAY MY HEART HURTS. like ive always wanted to perform but seeing them do that is like my dream. they're also super hot so yeah 🤪🤪. ANYWAYS ENJOY SND DONT FORGET TO VOTE AND LEAVE A COMMENT THANKS BESTIES.

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