Stefan Salvatore

751 21 1

Rebekah's POV
It's been a month, and to keep up our cover, Elijah insisted Kol, and I go to school. Ugh. Anyway, I woke up to someone opening the curtains, Kol.

I said, " Kol get the bloody hell out!"

He said, " How did you know it was me?"

I said, " Cause you are the only one that wakes me up. Elijah, and Nik know I am grumpy when I don't get my beauty rest."

He said, " Well, you need as much as you can, seeing as you aren't very beautiful."

I threw a pillow at him, and he caught it. He laughed. I said, " Get out!"

He said, " Get ready. We have to go to school."

I rolled my eyes, and he sped out of my room. I sighed, and got out of bed. I put on my black dress with my black boots.

I sped downstairs to the kitchen, and grabbed a blood bag, and drank it. Kol said, " Let's go, Bekah! I'm not waiting all day for you."

I rolled my eyes, and sped to the foyer, where he was waiting. He said, " What took so long?"

I said, " Unlike you I take pride in my appearance."

He said, " I do to. I'm the best looking out of all of us."

I laughed, and went outside, and got in Niks Black Jaguar. Kol got in, and said, " Won't Nik be pissed, when he finds out you are taking his car?"

I said, " What are you going to do? Tell him. We all know he is still pissed at you for destroying his painting."

He said, " Touche. Sister."

I smiled, and drove to the school.

  We arrived at the school, and we got out of the car. A bunch of guys were whistling at me. One came over to me, and said, " What's a pretty girl like you, driving a car like this?"

  He went to touch the car, and I said, " I wouldn't."

  I grabbed his arm, and he said, " What's the matter, sexy?"

  I rolled my eyes, and broke his arm. He screamed, and ran away. Kol, and I laughed. Kol said, " I told Elijah you could take care of yourself, why did I have to go here?"

  I said, " Cause we need to try and blend in."

  He said, " Breaking a boys arm doesn't count as blending in."

  I said, " Nik literally killed a guy for looking at his car."

   Kol said, " Oh! Yeah. That was a fun night. Bloody, girls, and booze."

  I rolled my eyes, and said, " You and Nik are the same."

  He said, " We are Not!"

  I said, " Yes, you are."

  He said, " No, I'm not."

  I said, " Whatever you say."

  He smirked at a girl that walked by, and I rolled my eyes. We went inside, and to the principals office. We got our schedules, and went to our classes.

At lunch, Kol and I were sitting down at a table off to the side, when a blonde haired girl sat down across from us. I said, " Who are you?"

She said, " I'm Caroline Forbes."

I said, " I'm Rebekah, and this is my brother Kol."

   She smiled, and said, " I know."

  Kol said, " Okay. Well, bye."

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