"Hey, wait up."

"I didn't see anything, I swear."

"You sure about that?"


"Yeah, I don't believe you."

"Okay, fine, I surrender." She raised both her hands up. "I might've seen a teeny-tiny bit." She pinched her index and thumb fingers to show exactly how little she'd seen.

"I don't think so." Rhett shook his head. "Anyway, privacy please?" he asked, a sly smile appearing on his lips, which was perhaps directed at her assistant.

Savannah looked over at her assistant. Obviously, Abbey was flushed cherry red. Yep, definitely directed at her.

"Okay, okay, I get it. I'm going." She started to walk away but spun around on her heels. Looking down at her feet, she said, "Uh, Abbey, I hope you still remember that you work under me. But, you know, since I'm compassionate and all that, I guess you could take some time off. You have my permission, despite clearly not asking for or wanting one. I see, you're as much your own boss as I am mine, which is...great! So yeah, time-off."

Already walking the other way, she said, "One more thing. I hope you keep your sounds low, so that, you know, you don't disturb others...and I don't end up answering for your shenanigans. Also, since you have "some" time off," she said, indicating the quotes with her hands, "you could try out a few things in the jacuzzi too. I'd like to know how it feels, 'cause I've not really tried stuff out in a bathtub before."

"Savannah!" Abbey yelled, mortified. "Shut up already. You're my boss—this is so awkward."

"So I see you remember. Okay. Anyway, bye. Have a great time. I'll see you later. And, please take my luggage in with you, I don't want it, or anything inside it, getting lost."


Zac raced back to his room. I have left something for you on the study table in your room. She. Had left something. For him. On his study table. He ran faster.

Yes. Yes, it was there. An envelope was neatly placed on his study table.

To Zac,

With loads and loads of...whatever you want. (Ha-ha!)

It was written, in perfect alignment, on the front of the envelope, in her writing. And it would be a lie if he said looking at her writing didn't make everything in him swell with emotion. He knew she was leaving, but this letter meant it was final. He couldn't do anything about it now, even if he so wanted to. His time was up.

Usually, he would have ripped the envelope open. Yeah, he was that impatient-to-open-the-envelopes kind. But he wouldn't do that this time. That envelope too, had her writing on it. There was absolutely no way he was going to tear it apart.

He carefully opened it and took out the letter from inside. The letter was huge. Really lengthy. She'd written one verbose epistle for him. He huffed. Time to read what was written inside.

To Zachary Maximilian Sifton,

Those four words made him smile. He'd guessed the first time he'd told her his full name that she'd really liked it. But he didn't know that she fancied it so much. Wow, this was new. He liked it; really, really liked it.

Okay... Here goes nothing.

First, I'll give you a brief introduction...so that, you know, in case you have forgotten who I was years down the line, if you ever happen to read it in the future, that is, this serves as a reminder. You already know this. This was all there on my resumé, or biodata, or portfolio, or whatever it is that you checked before you hired me is called. Anyway:

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