8.A old friend

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-Mono's POV-

I quickly turn around and look up at the roof of the building, I and frozen in shock

"What's wrong Mono? Cat got up ur tongue?" The person says snarkily
"What the hell are you doing here!?" I managed to snap back getting even more tense
"Oh wow, and here I was thinking that you'd miss little old me" the person laughed
"That doesn't answer my question, Six" I again snap back growling a bit
"Oh calm down I'm only looking for food"
"How'd you get out of the tower bag boy?" She asked sounding actually curious
"That's none of your business"

Right after I said that RK and Y/N walked out of the building

"What's going on Mono, I heard you yell?" RK asked not even noticing Six
"Oh and who's this, made new friends already?" Six said in a more snarky tone
"Who the f-" RK said quickly turning around to see Six
"Watch you language RK" Y/N said glaring at RK
"Sorry Y/N" he said looking a little bit scared
"Well we got the food let's head home" Y/N said clearly wanting us to leave before a fight happens
"Yeah sure" I say looking down at the ground
"Leaving already?" Six asks
"Yes, don't follow us" I respond back still sounding a bit angry

~time skip because lazy lol~

After a few minutes of walking RK breaks the silence with asking
"Who was she?" He looks at me
"Someone I used to be friends with...." I respond back looking down remembering everything Six and I did together
I get snapped out of my thoughts by something touching my hand, I look dow and realize RK is holding my hand, I look up at him and he's looking away blushing
I smile and continue walking
( Y/N is just like ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) *Wheeze* )

~time skip because I'm lazy~

RK and I, are sitting on the couch watching TV, I feel RK cuddle against my arm. I smile and lay my head on his

"Hey Mono"

"Yeah RK?"

"What are your feelings for me?"

I get frozen in shock and blush

"Uhh well.... I guess uhh..."

'Oh god I don't know how to answer this'

"Hm?" RK tilts his head

"Well I guess, I like you, like like you"
I feel my face get hot I can tell blush is very noticeable

I see RK blush heavily and nuzzle his face into my shoulder

"I like you too Mono..." I hear him mumble

I chuckle a little and kiss his forehead
'I love you RK'

-Six's POV-

I'm wondering the streets of the pale city 'who was that boy, and the adult?'
'How long have they known Mono?'
'Why can't I stop thinking about it, I know I don't like him, I guess I just miss my friend... I know what I did was wrong but... I was scared... I have to find a way to make it up to him and have our friendship again... I don't really care about the other two but I guess I have to make friends with them too..'

I sigh and climb up a building. When I look forward I see the Signal Tower. I feel my stomach knot, remembering what happened there. I feel sick. I let out another sigh and walk across the building heading to another one that has a open window then jump you it.
When I jump through I land on the floor

"Oh you're back already?"

I see and hand in front of me
I grab it and it helps me up


"Did you find any food?"

I look at the boy that has black hair with blue tips

"No, sorry Kody"

Kody sighs

"It's alright Sis, at least you tried"

Kody sits back down at a desk and goes back to what he's working on

Word count: 649
Hahaha hahaha I know it's short but I'm lazy and was kinda rushed so yeah

Hope you liked it lol

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