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The wedding day came, the Kim siblings sitting on the church's chair, waiting for it to begin, the four others sat on random chairs, feeling awkward as most of the guests are rich, not many of them familiar to them

Jungkook, Yoongi, Jimin, and Hoseok are sitting quietly, when someone stood in front of them making them look up, seeing Taehyung who smiled at them,

"Hi hyung, hi Jungkook, father told me to make you sit with us," Taehyung said, a little smile on his face,

"Uhh, it's okay, It's kinda emba-" Yoongi started but the younger interrupted him,

"Don't worry hyung, besides, it's your mom who's getting married," a reassuring smile creeping afterward, 

"Okay, I guess" Yoongi said, standing up along with his three siblings, lowering their heads after to avoid attention while following Taehyung to the front, 

Jungkook, sat beside Seokjin excitedly, oblivious of the older's dislike towards them, waving his hands in front of Seokjin's blank face before saying, "Hello hyung, you look handsome, I can't believe that I'm gonna be having a sibling like you," 

Seokjin rolled his eyes before faking a smile towards the younger, before replying, "Me too," pretending to agree when all he just wants to say is, 'Yes, I can't believe I'll be having a gold digger siblings like you,'

Hoseok and Yoongi sat beside Namjoon, waving a bit, frowning when they saw how the younger rolled his eyes at them,

Hoseok and Yoongi already know that Namjoon and Seokjin hated them, and it hurts because it's not their fault that their mom is marrying their dad if that is the reason though, Taehyung was more of an accepting kind of person, unlike his two older brothers, he respects them and treats them nice, 

But they know that there must be reasons as to why the two is acting that way,

Meanwhile, Jimin and Jungkook thought that they're just uncomfortable since they've just met, so they always try to talk to them, being responded with 'sincere' replies, 

The wedding ceremony ended, Jungkook and Jimin clapping excitedly along with the others, they followed their now oldest brother Jin who was asked by his dad to drive them all to the reception since he came with his car earlier, enough for 8 persons,

Their mom and dad however will be going to their honeymoon which is a whole week,( I know what you're thinking but they're just in their 40's, let them have fun  )

"I want to sit with you on the front Jin Hyung, can I?" Jimin asked the man whose back is facing them, 

Seokjin scrunch his face,  wanting to snap at them and say that he doesn't even want them to be in his car,

Yoongi, who knows how Seokjin feels about them, decided to drag his sibling with him, before saying, "Jiminie, you can't sit in the front, okay? Just sit with us on the back," and with this, Jimin pouted before nodding,

Namjoon just walked past them to sit on the passenger's seat,  putting on his headphones, not wanting to hear anything excepts his favorite music,

"Taehyung hyung, sit with us," Jungkook, who was sitting beside Jimin, said, patting on the seat next to him,

"Sure," Taehyung said, smiling at the younger, you can say that Jungkook and Jimin feels more comfortable around him, as they are the youngest,

The drive began to have an awkward silence, a frowning Seokjin driving pissed at his father for making him drive "the golddiggers" back home, he still can't believe how his father agreed on mrrying them, thinking that they planned this to have luxury and to study in a great school

Taehyung however accepts them, he knows what his hyungs are thinking, but he for sure knows they aren't, even though he just met them, they've seen how sincere they are to make their mother happy,

And besides... he wanna know how it feels like to have a mother by his side

They arrived at the house, the maids already prepared their bedroom, originally the guestrooms but they're in the same floor and hallway as the young masters

As they entered the house, Jimin and Jungkook were laughing with taehyung due to the conversation they had,

While Hoseok and Yoongi is just looking at Namjoon and Seokjin to see if they have something to tell them

"What are you looking at? Did you expect me to show you your rooms? I'm not the maid aint I?" Seokjin snapped but not so loudly a pissed look creeping up his face,

It sure did make Yoongi and Hoseok flinch, even the three youngsters who were laughing and giggling earlier zip their mouth and look at their hyungs

Mrs. Han, who saw the interaction and the tension in the living room decided to interfere

"Young masters, we've prepared the rooms for you, you may follow me,
Young master seokjin, if there's no other problem, excuse us," While ushering the four siblings,

Taehyung who heard what his hyung had said, let out a sigh and looked at his hyung disapointedly before catching up with the others

"Those bastards, can't they just live in their old house? They for sure planned this," seokjin muttered with a frown evident on his face, clenching his hands in anger

"Just let them be hyung, I'm sure they won't last long, we'll make their lives a living hell," namjoon said having the same look as his older brother,

"That bitch sure did seduced dad, I don't even see anything in her," Seokjin muttered and rolled his eyes walking towards the kitchen, Namjoon trailing after him

Mrs Han and the other maids guided them into their own room, each of them having a meal prepared on a tray as they might still be hungry,

Taehyung who's also tired got to his own room not before bidding goodbye and good night to Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook, he sure do enjoy having new brothers, he can't wait to spend the days with them

He flopped down on to his fluffy bed with a smile on his face, humming some tune as he closes his eyes, the sleepiness drowning him and soon, he's off to his dreamland

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