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Jungkook finish his homework, excitedly putting his things back, now making his way to the bathroom to get ready for tonight's dinner, 

The other three already finished, now sat on the sofa with their mother, waiting for the youngest to finish preparing,

 Their house was not big nor small for them, it's just right for the five of them, Three bedrooms, one for their mother, and Jimin and Jungkook shares a room, leaving Yoongi and Hoseok to share the other room, a kitchen, a living room, and a laundry room, connected to two other bathrooms,

As Jungkook went out of his room, a knock was heard, and their mom opened it, 

"Ohh, Mr.Lee, nice timing, we just finished and are ready to go now," Mrs. Min said to Mr.Lee, a driver of Mr. Kim, calling his sons to go out of the house, passing the keys to Yoongi for him to lock the door, 

The four looked at their mom with widened eyes when she makes her way to the car- wait, no, more like a limousine, 

They followed dumbfoundedly, entering the back with their mom,

"These must be your sons, Mrs.Min, I must say, they're nice-looking," Mr.Lee said as he started the car, hands moving the steering wheel,

"Thank you, this is Yoongi, the eldest, Hoseok, the second eldest, Jimin third eldest, and Jungkook, my fourth son," Mrs.Min introduced them, making them bow to the elder,

"I'm sure that the young masters will get along with you four," Mr. Lee said, chuckling as he smiles at them on the rear mirror,

The drive went smooth, with some talking here and there, and as they arrived, the four boys widened their eyes, mouths are wide open with the view in front of them

The drive went smooth, with some talking here and there, and as they arrived, the four boys widened their eyes, mouths are wide open with the view in front of them

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"Mom, I think we came to a wrong house," Jimin said, smiling sheepishly as he tugs on their mom's dress,

"It's not even a house, I'm like in the palace of Queen Elizabeth," Yoongi said, mouth 

"Please tell me I'm dreaming," Hoseok said, slapping himself, making their mom chuckle as he ruffled his dramatic's son's hair,

'Hyung, you're not dreaming," Jungkook said, giggling, making his bunny teeth show,

Suddenly, their eyes caught a familiar man with a gray tuxedo making his way to them,

Suddenly, their eyes caught a familiar man with a gray tuxedo making his way to them,

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