Home Is Where The Bioluminescent Algae Is

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"So, the Outcasts have dragon riders."

"Dragon rider we don't know if there are any more."

"The Ghost Rider," Tuffnut announced, spreading his hands in an arc for emphasis.

The entire academy, the council, and the chief were in the great hall discussing the events of the trade agreement.

"If anything this proves that they're serious about the truce, with a Changewing rider, an extremely skilled one I might add. And with possibly more dragons with or without riders, it evens the playing field a great deal. Especially now that we lost Hiccup, and are still adjusting, it would be an opportune time for an attack," Fishlegs said, getting a few strange looks.

"How does that prove anything?" Phlegma the fierce asked incredulously.

"Because just the fact that one of them can ride Changewings is valuable Intel. They would want to keep it a surprise for the right moment to attack and catch us off guard, and, am I the only one who noticed the two Scauldrons who swam beneath the ship the entire time?"

The blank looks from everyone who had been present told him he had.

"Well, they were there, in fact, with the Scauldrons and two Changewings, Alvin could have fairly easily surprised us, and captured most, if not all of us, but he didn't."

"He could be trying to lure us into a false sense of security," Gobber pointed out.

"It's possible," Fishlegs admitted. "But I fail to see any tactical advantage in that. To me it seemed an honest and genuine attempt by the Outcast chief to better the lives of his people, and his nephew."

"I am more ready to admit that they may be legitimate now than I was before, I agree with Fishlegs that it doesn't make much sense otherwise, but we still must remain vigilant, it would be foolhardy to rust our enemy after years of conflict," everyone seemed to ponder Stoic's words for a minute.

"Maybe, maybe Alvin really loves his nephew. I mean, all of a sudden we hear about him, and Alvin's stopping to attack us, looking after his people more. I mean, didn't Savage say, 'You have let that boy into your life, and he made you weak,'? I mean, Savage was ready to revolt against him, I think it is for real, that Alvin and his nephew truly care for each other. I mean, you saw how fast he moved when his uncle was in danger, heck, I doubt any of us would be a contest for him one-on-one, especially considering he can turn invisible..."

"And can fight like a demon, I mean, he took out three guys triple his size!" Snotlout was practically vibrating with excitement at the Outcast Heirs martial prowess.

Stoic stroked his beard.

"You're right that we only heard about this nephew not long ago, but it seems as if he has been trained for many years with the sword. I wonder where the lad grew up? And what happened to make him Outcast..."

"It could've been the boy's choice, if something happened to his parents, he might have chosen to go live with his uncle," Gobber pointed out. "He didn't look too large, though o' course we don't know his age, it could be the lad didn't feel he fit in, so he left once his parents were gone."

"Ugh, we could go around in circles all day wondering about the origins of the Ghost Rider, but it won't actually get us anywhere! So, what we know, the ghost rider and his uncle are close, close enough for Alvin to stop his quest for revenge for him. We know what island they are moving to, and we have men on the inside who are likely to learn a lot about their defenses.

"We know they have dragons, and we will know that if they try to hide them from our workers, then they are likely planning to use them against us.

(DISCONTINUED) When Lightning Strikes you down.Where stories live. Discover now