Chapter 22: Steamed Buns

Start from the beginning

Sakuragi gave another water bottle too. I glared at the two water bottles and muttered how low of a gift these were from those too arrogant boys. I sighed and let it go and picked the last two items which were a box of choco pie and and coconut juice and the granola bar that Eita took was from Haruko.

Asking which one belong from the who, Haruko said, "That beverage was from Miyagi-san and that box came from Mitsui." My eyes widened and I gripped on the items I held. I quickly recalled Mitsui's bruised and bloodied face.

The day he came and harmed us with his gang, it gave me anger but somehow I couldn't stay mad at him. Well that is because of his tragic sob story, giving a reason why he was all messed up in the head but there was still no excuse for him to do such a thing.

Yohei took the blame when the teachers witnessed the gruesome scene and were suspended for three days cause of their alleged actions. Now Mitsui is part of the team now and I really don't know what to feel, I don't know how to face him in all honesty. And getting hospitalized for a few days is a little lucky for me not to see him yet, though I really want to be in the practice.

I let out a slow breath, trying to calm everything down in my mind, "Thank you, Haruko-chan." I gave her a genuine smile and sat down the items back in the basket. "Say hi to them for me. Tell them I'll get right back on my feet soon enough!" I stretched out my arm and flexed my muscle and chuckled.

"That's right! That's our Rei-chan! I'll tell them later. Oh, I'm gonna head out now to get to brother's practice." Haruko said as she stood up from her seat.

"Ah! Hold on for a minute, Haruko."

I reached in for my purse that was sitting beside me and took out a few paper money, "Haruko-san, is it okay if my lil bro will tag along?"

"Sure! No problem." She smiled.

"Oi, Eita! Go buy some steamed buns and accompany Haruko cause they'll be heavy." Eita gave a confused and annoyed look, "Haah? And for who are these steamed buns you speak of?"

"For my basketball team of course."

After a minute of arguing with Eita, he finally lost and accepted my request. He took the money and the two left the empty room with me in it. I looked down and eyed at the basket for a while, specifically the box of chocolate pie.

My stomach grumbled and in defeat, I sighed and took out the steamed bun and indulged it with delight.


Third Person POV

Eita and Haruko went to a convenient store and bought drinks and steamed buns. Eita asked a few questions on their travel, asking who was her brother and what was his sister like as an assistant manager.

After a 20 minute travel, Eita and Haruko got to the school and Eita eyed every part of the school as they went it through. In the basketball gym court, Hisashi was showing his skills and even if he was at a hiatus for almost 2 years, his abilities were not even close to rusty.

"Hello guys! I brought you some drinks!" Haruko and Eita finally arrived at their destination with the bought snacks and beverages in hand. Everyone turned their heads to theirs and was surprised to see Haruko was with another boy.

"Gahh!! Haruko-chan!!" Sakuragi ran to her direction and stopped then glared at the unfamiliar boy, "Who are you! You scum! Scum!"

Eita was shock to get a harsh greeting. Sohe got his hands up, trying to defend himself in any possible attack, "I-I'm Eita! Genji Eita!!"

Ayako stepped in and asked, "Genji? Are you related to Rei-chan perhaps?" Eita nodded in agreement.

"I was visiting Rei-chan at the hospital earlier, giving her the gift basket that we all made for her. And she wanted to give her thanks, so she asked her brother to buy some steamed buns for you guys." Haruko said stretching her arms to give the steamed buns inside a paper bag and Eita did so with the heavy water bottles.

Ayako received them and said, "Wow, you guys are so thoughtful!" She looked at the steamed buns and the scent of sweet and seasoned meat made her drool before setting them down on the foldable chairs.

Eita and Haruko watched the young men play their practice game, and Eita wondered in his mind, which one of these is Mitsui? He narrowed his eyes to them one by one.


Kogure's call made Eita look at the direction where the player was passing at. His widen when Hisashi jumped up from the crowd and shot his ball in a three point distance. Eita was crossing his arms and gripped on his forearms, scowling at the man he had anticipated to see... "Mitsui.."


"All right! Good game!!" Ayako clapped her hands as the boys panted, heading their way to the seats were Ayako was at, panting for their breaths and sweats beading down their face and bodies.

"Ah! You're Rei's brother right?" Kogure asked as he wiped his face with a towel. "Yeah, I'm Eita. It's a pleasure to meet you!" Eita bowed his head down to his senior and so did Kogure to him.

Eita offered the buns to each one of the boys and purposely, he kept Mitsui last. Heading his way to the tall athlete, Mitsui was at the a chair swiping his nape with a towel. Eita was a bit surprised to see him covered in bandages on the face, 'Hm, serves you right.'

Eita stood beside Hisashi and Hisashi got his attention towards him. Eita stood for a while, eyeing him down with anger in his eyes. "You're Mitsui right?" He asked.


"Have a steamed-"

Before Eita could finish his words, Hisashi stood up and bowed his head and it took everyone's attention, surprised by his action towards Eita.

"I'm sorry." Eita was shocked to hear this genuine apology from Hisashi. He knew what he had done to his sister and how horrible he was to her that it got her to the hospital, but he couldn't convince himself that this was the same person that harmed her.

He let out sigh and proceeded to give the last bun that was in the paper bag. Mitsui got his head back up again and took the bun in hand.

"Tell that to her." Was all Eita could say to him before he distanced himself and went to Haruko, "Haruko-san, I'll take my leave now. I must head back to Rei." He bowed his head down to his seniors and they too acknowledged his leave.

Before he could step out the gym, Ayako called, "Eita-kun! Tell her we loved the steamed buns!" She waved goodbye and Eita nodded in agreement before shutting the door close behind him.

Once Eita was out of sight, Hisashi looked down at the warm steamed bun he was holding on his hand. He eyed at the white mantou and it's warm heat calmed his shaking hand. His eyes narrowed and bit his chapped lip then bit the steamed bun's white mantoU along the meat inside, tasting it's meaty and sweet flavor against his tongue.

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