[1]: Different Worlds, Collide

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"Where do you wanna eat lunch, today?" Said a girl with red hair and has a crossbow-like weapon.

"I dunno, but hope I get to see my favorite brawlers!!" A girl with white hair happily yelled.

"Let's just eat on the floor"

"Yeah, I prefer sitting on the floor" said a boy with a hoodie as he sucked on a lollipop.

"Oh, well let's find a clean, grassy area and we'll eat lunch there"

The group found a grassy area to settle down, they put down the blanket and sat down as one got up to get the food. Suddenly, a white vortex appeared behind them.

"What in the world-" she said as she got sucked in

"JESSIE!!" He shouted as he followed her in as well

"WAIT FOR ME!!!" And jumped in the vortex


"Hey! What's going on-"

"JUST FOLLOW ME GUITARMAN!!" He said as he grabbed the his guitar along with him.

"Hey! You're gonna break my guitar!"

"JUST SHUT UP!" Was the last thing he said as they all got sucked in.

"Hey guys! My latest post just got 7k likes-"

"Hey, where's everyone? Stop joking guys or I'll post you trying to scare us!" She looked around but they were no where to be found


"'Kay, let's take selfie first" she said as she took a picture with the other two.

"Okay, let me just edit the post real quick... Going on a picnic, wonder how it'll go. @Tara @Barley #Selfiebeforeeating #LOL and send!"

"I'm ready to serve, but no one's here to serve but just you guys"


"Let's wait for them on the blanket. Leon said they set it down" the two agreed as they settled down on the blanket. Little did they know, they're gonna be waiting there for a while..

1:35 AM, Somewhere in Japan

"Even though you lost to Todoroki and he lost to Katsuki, you should be thankful for getting that far, Deku!" A brown haired girl said as he tried comforting the green haired boy.

"Thanks Uraraka, I really appreciate that"

"Hey, Midobro" said a red haired boy


"That is so manly of you!"

"What is?"

"You're so close to Uraraka y'know" he turned to Uraraka and yes, they were a bit too close to eachother. Both flustered, the red hair comforting him.

"Izuku is so cute when he's flustered, y'know?"

"I know Mina, they're perfect for eachother"

"Hey where's Iida?"

"Oh, he left early" Izuku said

"What a pity, Bakugou was so funny when he was tied up" chuckled a yellow haired boy

"I CAN HEAR YOU, DUNCE FACE!" Shouted Bakugou. They were getting ready to leave when suddenly a white vortex hovered over Bakugou's head and 5 people fell landing right on top of him.

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