Chapter Ten: Baby Steps- or Rather Hatchling Steps

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[A/N: ... If you start questioning what I'm doing you're free to do so. >:)]

If you heard it from anyone else, it was a lie. No, the great Tommyinnit was not tired. He was more dignified than that, his entire body was sore, his back mostly due to lifting logs too big for him.

"Tommy! Those logs are too heavy!" Grian shouted, distress tainting his voice.

He shrugged and kept moving them. "You should at least cut them in half." The winged man said.

"But then I'll have to do twice the work." Tommy pointed out, sighing with relief as he put another log into it's pile.

The memory still prodded at him, should he of been nicer, should he of listened? Something deep in his gut had told him to keep going, they should be a team right?

Grian cared for him, truly. The duo had been working together for the past few days, yet they felt they had known each other for longer. The two just - to put it simply - clicked. They worked like a well oiled machine... most of the time.

Tommy rolled around in his bed, thinking. He so badly wanted to take every soft and comfortable thing in the house and put it in his room, that included the living room rug.

What?! It was soft! He liked it, in fact he loved it. Tommy was rudely interrupted by his stomach growling, he sighed and rolled his eyes at that.

Sliding off his bed, putting the covers and pillows back in place too, he opened the door and was greeted to the smell of pancakes and scrambled eggs. His mouth watered, it smelled so good.

Gathering his thoughts he walked into the kitchen, yawning and letting out a small but sharp chirp at the end of it. Tommy grumbled at the fact his quote unquote, bird brain, had started acting up recently. It had been doing so since about halfway through exile.

Grian blinked and looked up at him, surprise flashed over his normally calm facial features for a moment. "G'morning Tommy." He greeted while turning back to flip a pancake, the motion was fluid, like he had done it so many times.

It would be cool if Grian was secretly a pancake god or something. "Hello." He simply replied, stretching a little. "Ow." Tommy muttered.

"Sore, I'm guessing." The maybe pancake god stated, it was pretty blunt too.

"Yuuup." Tommy said, wincing a little.

"I told you not to carry that many logs." Grian sighed, "I could of helped a lot more, you didn't have to finish it all on your own."

He was silent for a second, "I don't want to be leeching off you."

"You are a kid."

"Am not."

"Then let yourself be one for once."

Tommy paused, "What?" He nearly whispered.

Grian eyed him, "Let yourself be a kid. You've been through nothing but pain, maybe not all of it was, but you 'grew up too fast'. As far as I can tell you're still a minor." He pointed out, he'd been trying to bring this up for a while now.

He hummed, "What are we going to do today?" Tommy questioned, changing the subject.

"Just relaxing, seeing we're both pretty tired from the day before." Grian continued, "I've already watered the garden and taken care of the chickens."

He started to fill a plate while the last batch of pancakes cooked, the scrambled eggs looked amazing - and tasty.

He passed a plate with a bottle of syrup to Tommy, the scrambled eggs sat off to the side so they didn't get soaked in the sweet and sticky goodness.

Grian got a plate for himself, filling it with some of his own preferences. Some strawberries and blueberries sat on top of his pancake stack, raspberry jam was lathered on a few pieces of toast.

Tommy casually stole a piece of said toasted bread, but it didn't matter. They often shared their food anyways.

They ate in silence, Tommy toyed around with the totem, it had become a fidget for his hands in the past few days. Whenever he got nervous or anxious he'd take out the totem for safety, it also seemed to calm him down, it was rumored some of them had an aura like that. People guessed it depended on who made them.

Totems were rare yes, but they were useful for plenty of things. Whether it was to keep someone from dying or just to flex on their friends, it came in handy due to being indestructible  - other then when it disintegrated upon use of keeping one alive.

Grian and Tommy put their dishes in the sink, they'd wash them later. Tommy decided to sink down into the new sofa, he made another chirping noise in his satisfaction. This time Grian responded, cooing as he sat down next to him.

They both started to read, Tommy reading about Avians - he was trying to figure out what type of bird Grian was.

Meanwhile Grian had a book that was about a young prince trying to avoid a marriage with a snotty rich girl, the prince was apparently after a beautiful town girl who didn't know he was royalty.

Who knew books like that would be interesting.

So... a slightly shorter chapter today, not too bad tbh. :)

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