Chapter Three: Double Trouble

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[Today, were gonna learn how to face your fears. Now, the first step to facing your fears- *Techno and Phil appears* Tommy: AAAAAAAAA]

Tommy woke to a comfy bed, unlike his in exile.

He wasn't in exile. His brain supplies, which wasn't wicked helpful.

Shooting up from the pillow he took in his surroundings, in the corners of his bedroom, beautifully constructed pillars made out of stripped jungle wood and a lanterns hung from inside a trapdoor cage.

Tommy remembered Grian, and how he had offered to take him away from exile. Dream's gonna be so mad. He snickered at that thought.

He creeped out of his room, his gaze sweeping over the hallway. Grian must of done some more work on the place, more decorated pillars with lanterns lit the man made cave. The carpet lay on the now wooden floor, where did Grian get spruce? Tommy questioned as he walked into the kitchen/ creating room or whatever it was called, he spotted the adult in a red sweater, pale tan jeans and even more surprisingly- white and gold tipped wings.

The soft looking feathers were a beautiful white with a slight golden tip to the edge of them, and he couldn't help but snort. "Are you a chicken?"

Grian's head snapped up, he stared him down for a split second before chuckling. "No Tommy, I am not a chicken." He paused thinking, turning thoughts over in his head before adding on, "I'm not too sure actually."

The teen eyed him before peering at what he was doing at the cartography table, the map on it seemed to show where a jungle temple or two would be. Tommy arched an eyebrow, looking up at Grian with a curious stare. "Whatcha doing?"

"I'm looking for jungle temples, these appeared on the map that I'm working on." He replied smoothly, continuing his work.

"Why though?"

"To get totems Tommy."

"Why do we need those?" Tommy questioned, though he seemed to have a good guess.

"You're on your last life, are you not?" Said Grian, huffing as he studied the map more.

The teen suddenly found the floor very intriguing, "Y-yeah... I am." He looked up at Tommy- Jesus he was tall- and extended a wing.

"You can come with me, so you don't have to stay here."

Tommy glanced at Grian, "Really?" He asked as if he was joking.

"Mhm." The winged man nodded. "I'd suggest grabbing a few things- oh and by the way here's a new chestplate. I found some diamonds to craft it and enchant it a little."

Tommy practically snatched the precious piece of armor like it was a lifeline,  Grian tossed over some iron boots and a helmet- which Tommy put on almost immediately.

Within a few minutes Tommy was bounding out the door, Grian following close behind. The energy the teen had was bounding back, his eyes brightening. He smiled as they set off by foot to the first temple.


Raiding the structure was fairly easy, all the traps were disabled within less than a minute. They had been unlucky; no totem there, but some gold and a few emeralds and diamonds.

Tommy had practically broke out in a sprint to the next one, Grian ended up having to glide to catch up. His wings were happy to breathe, the semi-cool air flowed around the feathers in a soothing way. Grian realized he would need to preen them soon, maybe he could teach Tommy how to preen wings; however, he had a feeling feathers would get pulled in the process.

New Beginnings (Hermitcraft and Dream SMP Crossover)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon