Dreams and Nightmares

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 Lilly POV

I hardly got any sleep that night. I was so anxious that this would not work which would continue to make life essentially unbearable. Still, if it did...all my dreams could come true, and I had so much to catch up on. I could do things with my kids again, and drive, and cook. Go for a run to my music in the mornings. I could also stare in my husbands' eyes while he's kissing me or doing all the other unimaginable things he does to my body.

Shiq drove me to The Vanguard Eye Institute early that morning and I checked in in the fancy waiting room with shiny granite flooring and immaculate foliage décor. I sat there nervously for only a brief period before a nurse came out to get me. Shiq grabbed my hand and squeezed it before I held the nurses' elbow to be whisked away to my destiny.

Marshall POV

I drove to work in the blistering cold with fresh snow lining the streets. I had a dream the previous night that Lilly was right there next to me but was disappointed when I awoke to realize my wife was still out of my reach for an entire week. I awakened to a text from her though that read: I Love You! See you soon! I still don't understand what the fuck she meant by that. Maybe she wants me to fly out.

I was having a productive morning and then I received another text. This one from my man LL Cool J. I called him and we chopped it up for a while and then he told me the reason he hit me up was that MTV was doing a new documentary on him, and he wanted me to be a part of it. Just by luck of the draw, he said that it was to film in Los Angeles, California the following week.

This could be perfect! Must have been fate! I could get with Dre and have a chance to record while I'm out there, spend time with Lilly. This was an ideal situation.

"Hey. I wanna go to California."

Paul looked up at me from the laptop on his desk. "Okay..." He answered slowly.

"I got a call from LL, and he said that they need me for some interview, and I was thinking I could make a trip out of it. Ya know, reconnect with Lilly."

"Marshall, you don't want to do that. Give her this space."

"What if she needs me?"

"Trust me on this. Give it a couple days. She'll call when she needs you."

Lilly POV

I could barely remember a word Dr. Christian said. I was preoccupied with the fact that this was the most pivotal moment of my life. I laid back on the table and they pumped some medicine into my arm. I was floating...slowly...softly...

My vision was dark, but I was in a familiar place. I was at Paramount Studios where I used to work so long ago. It was where I first met my one true love Marshall, but it was also where I had encountered Damian Rodriguez. A black haze clouded my eyes. Damian. He stripped my confidence. He did me on his desk and the dirty floor like I was nothing. Clawing at me, busting my lip until it drew blood.

He was before me. That ugly stocky man with glasses and an annoying cackle. He stood in front me grinning. He's dead! I will never allow Damian to invade my mind ever again.

"No! You hurt me!" I screamed and reached out to choke his disgusting fat throat.

I squeezed with all my might until he disappeared, vanishing in gloomy smoke.

Drinking. Drinking always makes all the bad things go away. It also takes away your dignity and your ability to think straight. I was a terrible mother for a few years back when my kids were babies. I could fake it in the daytime, but nighttime was a loathsome endless hopelessness waiting for someone to come rescue me. Misery loves company. I would drink every night with Tony. Tony and I were both alcoholics, only I was the only one to recognize it and lead our family out of that hellhole.

My ex-husband. My ex-husband was a user. He used me to keep a clean house and a meal on the table. He used me to have and raise his babies while he ran around with the next stupid little girl. I was left trying to explain where daddy was and why he didn't hug me anymore. I was labeled as the one who broke up the family when I finally gained the strength to leave the marriage.

My kids. My kids are the most important people to me in this world and probably understand me in a way no one else can. I basically raised them all on my own and thoroughly enjoyed those years even if I didn't have a man to hold me at the end of day. I didn't need a man. I got shit done on my own.

Shoes. Shoes became a fabulous source of income for me on the side. It was an amazing experience to grow a prosperous business from the ground up with an interest that I would describe as my passion. It was my love for shoes that got me backstage at concerts to sell the latest sneakers to rappers and courtside at basketball games to do business with some of the biggest names in the game.

Marshall. My eyes could now see again, and white light radiated around my husband as he smiled at me. Marshall was the man who would always be there for me. As hard as I pushed him away, I knew he would still be there. I was going to make my way out of this maze! I was going to wake up and be able to see again and make sure I treat Marshall special everyday to make up for all the time we lost. I have visions right now of me giving him oral pleasures at the studio and then him coming home to the three-course taco dinner I made for him.

"Mrs. Mathers? Mrs. Mathers, it's Dr. Christian. Are you with me? Here, can you see anything?"

My eyelids slowly flickered open, and I gently yet confidently nodded my head "yes" in disbelief.

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