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Ace De Santis.

"So you're telling me that someone has all the evidence necessary to send me to jail for the rest of my life?" I yelled, glancing at the man.

"Not just you, boss. Another Mafia family as well," he replied. I could see sweat forming on his forehead. Knowing he was scared brought me satisfaction.
"Their name?"
"Hale, sir."
"From what I've gathered, there has been a traitor among us and none of you have noticed? I haven't noticed?" | questioned, slamming my fist on the table in front of me. If there's one thing I cannot tolerate, it's betrayal. I always make sure that traitors are dealt with as they should be. When I find whoever that man is, he'll wish he was never born."Well, whoever that person is-" I started, eyeing all the men in the room, "Why don't you show yourself so I can reward you for being the best actor I've ever encountered?"

Everyone remained quiet, and that was infuriating. Fed up with their silence, I asked, "Will anyone say something?"

"It was William, sir. He gathered all the necessary evidence and fled," a man at the back spoke up.

"Find this William and bring him to me.
Alive, I ordered, earning nods from all of them. "I need to have a meeting with The Hales. We are probably facing the same enemy." I started, "Jeremy, Paul," I continued, now focusing my eyes on Jeremy and Paul, "I need you two at 10:00 am sharp tomorrow. We will pay The Hales a little visit."

They both nodded, and everyone left as soon as I said, "You are dismissed."
Once the meeting was over, I headed to my room, took a shower, and then went downstairs to have dinner with my family. As usual, my mother, Christina; my father, Vincenzo; and my brother, Alex, were all gathered around the dining table, waiting for me.
I sat in my usual seat, and we all began to eat.

As I was eating, my mother's voice interrupted me. "How was the meeting? I saw a couple of men leaving the house." I was about to reply when Alex scoffed. I glared at him as he said, "More like a hundred."

" didn't have time to go to the other house, so I held the meeting here. It was important," I shrugged.

"What's wrong, son?" my father asked as I snapped my gaze towards him. "You seem concerned."

"I am," I replied truthfully. "We had a snitch. Apparently, he has incriminating evidence against us. Evidence that could be used to send us to jail for the rest of our lives," I drank a glass of water before continuing, "Not just our family, but the Hales as well."

"That's messed up," Alex was the first one to speak, "What are you planning to do?"

"I'm going to pay a visit to the Hales.
Maybe we can work together on this one," I said, looking at my father for any other suggestions. Instead, he smiled at me and said, "That's a good idea, son. Go for it."

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