»🧨 New Years Party Headcannons 🧨«

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A/N : This was requested! I hope you enjoy ✨
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- Mikey, Emma and Draken always show up first because of Mikey's 'First come, first serve' presumption

- Nahoya and Souya are always the last to arrive since they always end up provoking one another almost all the time

- Hina and Takemitchi bring ✨lots✨ of food

- Kazu and Koko are somewhat investigating the fireworks. And by investigating I mean they're breaking some open to see if they have the same powder or not.

- Chifuyu, Mitsuya and Nahoya help you cook

- Draken helps clean if there's anything you want out the way or put away

- Smiley helps light the fireworks

- Baji probably teases Souya with the fireworks since he's scared of them and Souya almost ends up crying (Nahoya gets Baji to stop)

- Mikey stays inside since his ears are sensitive to the whistling

- That being said, Draken records so he can show Mikey later so the noise can be dimmed down a bit

- Hina and Takemitchi have built a small treehouse in a tree of your backyard so they're up there talking and watching the fireworks

- Koko scolds everyone for making him spend so much money on the fireworks

- Mitsuya brings his younger sisters to watch as well.

- Luna ends up crying because it's her first time seeing fireworks so Mitsuya holds her but she ends up warming up to them

- Mana wants to try and touch them. Draken stops her

- Yuzuha arrives really late cause she accidentally forgot and took a nap an hour earlier. She's just now waking up

- Draken let's Mikey have his phone so he can watch the fireworks he recorded

- Yuzuha asks if she can watch as well since she was late. Mikey reluctantly agreed because of Emma asking him to let Yuzuha watch with him

- Baji decides to be a menace and try to light a firework in the house

- While Koko scolds him everyone is panicking about how long it'll take before it goes off

- Draken throws it out the window and it lands in Hina and Takemitchi's treehouse

- Hina screams before throwing it out

- The firework set off mid-air

- Luckily Nahoya was recording so he sent everyone the video

- He also made a meme out of it cause why not

- Baji can't stop being a menace and steals the steak on Chifuyu's plate

- That said, Chifuyu went full-on mother mode on him and beat him with whatever was in reach

- That object ended up being a spatula

- They made Baji eat last.

- Mikey, Emma and Hina ate all of the potato salad — somehow.

- Kazu doesn't understand the concept of 'wait your turn' so Chifuyu also beats him with a spatula

- Kazu panics until Souya explains that he has to wait until everyone moves up

- Nahoya is getting a kick out of the motherly side of Chifuyu

- You're watching in complete confusion. These are the people I chose as friends?

- Mitsuya gets the fantastic idea to play music

- Baji, Nahoya, Mikey and Mitsuya are now acting like they forgot to take their pills.

- "Sit your dumbasses down and eat already. It's not even midnight and you're acting like you've done drugs." - Draken scolding them for having no common sense whatsoever.

- Emma begins playing with Drakens hair even after being told multiple times that he didn't want her to.

- "How come your hair is so soft??" - Emma obsessing over literally every inch of Draken. Not like that you perverts—

- "Theres no stopping her at this point." - Koko, knowing Draken'll have to give in soon enough

- "Ken-chin, how come you don't let me play with you hair??" - Mikey being jealous

- "I never said I wanted this, Mikey." - Draken, just wanting to eat his food in peace

- You all decide to watch The Conjuring 2 at 3am cause you're dumb asf

{ Ive seen that movie and let me say, if you're into horror, psychological and ghost genres with a hint of creepy then I do suggest watching it. }

- Kazu ends up falling asleep within the first 10 minutes

- Koko denies to watch it at 3am so he goes upstairs and does his own thing

- Baji pops popcorn for everyone knowing you all will not share one bowl of popcorn, no matter how big it may be.

- Mikey thinks it's a good idea to scare Mitsuya but ends up almost getting punched

- Emma falls asleep on Draken so he takes her upstairs while they watch the movie

- "Why do you bring your sister with us everywhere again?" - Draken, questioning his existence

- Nahoya tries scaring Angry but instead of scaring him Angry throws a can of soda at him

- You have to pause the movie and wait for Baji and Draken to get the twins from fighting

- "Come on you two, knock it off for once." - Baji having common sense for once

- The twins do end up falling asleep on one another

- Hina falls asleep on Takemitchi

- About 10 minutes after Hina falls asleep, Takemitchi does too

- Baji finishes his popcorn first

- Chifuyu throws a pillow at Baji for whispering so much

- Mikey jumps slightly at the fact that the nun popped out of the painting

- Mitsuya falls asleep with his head on Chifuyu

- Draken, Mikey, You, Baji and Chifuyu are the only ones that are awake by the end of the movie

- "Well this was fun. What're we going to do about them though?" - Mikey, questioning about Mitsuya, Hina, Takemitchi, and the twins

- "I'll take Mitsuya up." - Chifuyu, picking up Mitsuya over his shoulder

- "I don't suggest waking up the twins.. I say leave them there." - Baji, knowing both twins dislike being woken up

- "Then I guess I'll take Hina up." - Draken, picking Hina up

- "I got Takemitchy." - Mikey, ✨throwing✨ Takemitchi over his shoulder

- "We gonna take Kazu?" - Chifuyu, coming back downstairs from putting Mitsuya down

- "I got him, just go to bed." - Koko, coming downstairs to collect Kazu

- You and Baji shrug at one another and head upstairs

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