»🌺 Walks in the Park Headcannons 🌺«

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- Hina and Emma sit on tree swings while either gossiping about the guys or laughing about something random

- Baji is being a menace and throwing dirt at everyone 🧍

- Chifuyu throws a rock at Baji for throwing dirt at him 😃

- Mikey is poking at a snake with a stick he found an nearly gets bit

- Takemitchi and Draken laugh at Mikey who's now running from the same snake

- Mikey bumps into Mitsuya and they stumble, Mitsuya decides to also be a menace and pick up the snake, holding it over to Mikey

- Baji throws a rock at Mitsuya, who then drops the snake and accidentally kicks it somehow

- The snake ends up near Hina and Emma who scream and huddle up on a branch of the tree

- Draken tries to ignore Emma's screaming but ends up pinning the snake down with a stick and moving it somewhere else

- Smiley finds a caterpillar and tries to touch it

- Angry plucks Smiley and scolds him for trying to touch it, explaining later that it was poisonous

- Hina finds a butterfly that flys on her finger

- Takemitchi begins admiring Hina

- Baji bops Takemitchi's head, "Down bad aren't ya?"

- Mikey ends up napping on a tree. How he got there? Nobody knows

- Kazu shows up an hour late

- Chifuyu, Mitsuya and Kazu begin scheming on ways to annoy Baji since he wanted to be a menace

- Draken gets dragged up a hill by Emma to 'watch the sunset'

- Chifuyu distracts Baji while Kazu was forced into putting dirt in his hair

- Mitsuya throws a rock at Baji when Kazu's done and Chifuyu walks away

- Baji figures it out and chases after Kazu whilst he frantically tries to explain he was forced into doing it

- Baji tries to find Mitsuya and Chifuyu but they've climbed into a tree with Kazu

- Mikey wakes up thanks to Kazu's screaming and jumps down

- Takemitchi and Hina are running around in a flower field before Hina trips Takemitchi, causing him to fall face first into the flowers

- Hina trips over his leg and falls across them

- Mikey laughs at Hina and Takemitchi for being so cliché

- Baji and Mikey have a competition of who can throw rocks further. Baji wins.

- Mikey threw a rock at Baji for winning

- Smiley pushes Angry, provoking him

- Angry chases Smiley, who's laughing

- Smiley makes Angry fall and sits on him

- "Get your heavy ass off of me!" , "Not until you admit I won." , "Fine, you've won."

- Smiley gets off of Angry and tries walking away

- Angry pulls Smiley's ankle, making him fall

- Smiley looks back at Angry and let's a small laugh out before getting up and cracking his knuckles

- Angry runs from Smiley

- Mikey and Baji laugh at the twins

- Angry pulls himself up on a branch hoping it'll save him

- Smiley climbs on the other side of the tree and pushes Angry down

- "Fuck you." - Angry

- Smiley continues sitting on the tree branch, smiling down at his brother

- "Watch your head!" - Smiley, jumping from the tree

- Angry is officially convinced his brother is never going to let the fact that he made him fall go. Smiley's probably holding that grudge for at least another week.

- Draken comes back from the hill carrying Emma cause she fell asleep

- Takemitchi comes back from somewhere with Chifuyu and Mitsuya with camping supplies

- "How the fuck are we supposed to put this damn tent up." - Baji, contemplating if he should sleep outside

- "Let me see." - The twins who're logically smarter at these kind of things, considering they've broken quite a few things growing up

- Angry and Smiley end up putting the tents up

- Hina accidentally burns herself trying to light the lantern

- Chifuyu and Baji end up lighting the lanterns, then burning one another. Baji started it.

- Everybody decides to have a tent of their own since Mitsuya insisted that they brought one for everyone

- Emma throws a fit about not being able to share a tent with Draken, which he ignores.

- In the middle of the night Emma sneaks into Drakens tent under Hina's influence. He doesn't end up caring, he just wants to sleep at that point.

- Smiley puts a spider in Angry's tent, still not letting up on the grudge against him.

- Angry starts panicking and breaks the tent trying to get out

- Mikey's watching everything from above. He decided to sleep in the tree from before with a blanket, somewhat knowing something like this would happen

- Angry gets Mikey's tent since he wasn't using it

A/N : Well.. this was fun to make 💀🤚

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