Chapter 43

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Rachel's POV

The warmth of the sunlight fell onto me and I reluctantly fluttered my eyes open. Another beautiful day to be thankful for.

"Good morning, beautiful."

I turned my head to look at Alexander who lay next to me on his side, watching me as if I was the most fascinating being on earth. He was wide awake and very happy today. I was pleased to see a smile gracing his face for some unknown reason.

"Good morning." I grinned up at him and touched his face. He took my hand and placed it on his neck as he scooted closer to me.

It's been several weeks since I've returned home from the hospital. My bullet wound was completely healed on the surface and didn't hurt since it was merely a flesh wound. Alexander had brought me to his lavish penthouse apartment in the city and we've been living here indefinitely.

Our previous house was no longer in use and frankly, I don't want to go back there after knowing how easily they entered and took me. Alexander told me that whenever I feel I am ready then I should contact his architect and begin designing out forever home.

I looked over at the time and saw that it was already 10am. Extremely late me to wake up but I've been allowing my body to heal without being hard on myself.

"You're supposed to be at work," I said softly to him and he rubbed his nose against mine.

"I'll go in later. For now, I want to spend the whole morning in bed with you."

I leaned forward and kissed him softly. "I have to go to campus to submit my pieces and I promised my friends a late lunch today. Then I have my last physiotherapy session. I also wanted to get some things for the apartment. It's a little... bland."

I had decided to take this semester online only returning to campus for my practical's since I missed the beginning of the term. My therapy sessions along with physical therapy take up a lot of time during the week so it was in my best interest to not exert myself by also going to campus.

"I'll be home around 6pm. Would you be back by then?" Alexander asked and peppered kisses all down my neck.

It felt so good being close to him. I loved Alexander with my whole heart and I'd accept the fact that he may not reciprocate the exact same feelings but I knew that he had his own way of expressing himself.

"D-do you want me to be b-back by 6pm? I stuttered out my words in a light moan as his lips caressed my sensitive skin.

He suddenly stopped and lifted his head as I was enjoying him. I frowned in disappointment but he let out a lopsided grin and showcased his pearly whites.

"No. I want you to be back later than 6pm."


He nodded and hopped out of bed hastily. He pressed the remote button to fully open the massive drapes that welcomed a panoramic view of the busy city below us. I leaned deeper into the comfortable bed and stared at his delicious body along with the beautiful view behind him. What a sight for my eyes.

"We didn't get to celebrate your birthday properly and I know that you don't want to go out so I'd figured we'd have a nice time here together."

I yawned a little and really wanted to go back to sleep but a busy day awaited me. "You're going to surprise me?" I asked excitedly.

Alexander picked up the discarded dishes and glasses that we'd left on the nightstand and floor during out movie night last night.

"I wouldn't go as far as say surprising you because I'm still a novice at this stuff but I'd like to make it special for you."

Just as he was about to pick up the last bowl of half eaten chips and dip, his phone rang.


Alexander huffed a breath out while he was on the call and looked at me longingly. I smiled in my lazy state and thought about tonight with him.

He cut the call and set the dishes down on the coffee table by the sofa. "Duty calls, princess. I need to leave in ten minutes." He leaned on the bed and captured my lips amorously before reluctantly pulling away and heading to the shower.

* * *

"See you later," Deana said and I waved bye to Amir and Blake. They hopped into their uber and headed off to their sports game while the girls and I stayed back at the restaurant to talk.

"We can go to my house and help Rachel get ready for her little date night," Julia kindly offered and Deana agreed. "I think your man would go in a trance when he sees you wearing that dress."

I wondered what Alexander's reaction would be when he saw me clad in a tight lilac silk dress. It wasn't entirely my intention to go all out, but he said tonight would be special.

"It's already 5pm. We should leave now. My mother is also going to face time from Paris in a few minutes. She's walking for Dior this time," Deana said all excited.

"That's wonderful. I'm sure she is over modelling those trench coats now," I said thinking back to Deana's mum's last catwalk for Burberry.

Julia stood up and collected her handbag from hanging on the chair, "I need to use the bathroom so badly!"

"The restroom is over that side," I pointed to the double doors at the far end of the restaurant.

She shook her head and made a gagging noise. "I don't use public restrooms. Last time we were on a road trip and I caught a nasty infection so never setting foot in one of those again."

We gathered our things and headed to the parking lot where Leeroy was waiting for us. I haven't driven around since I got hurt and neither was Alexander letting me drive. Not until I finished all my physiotherapy sessions which thankfully was today.

Julia's house was as pristine as you imagined a mayor's house to be. Her mother, Peyton, was as bubbly as her and a complete sweetheart to us. She worked alongside her husband at the city council and had her own NGO.

Deana's mum had called her just in time when we set foot in Julia's room and they were busy conversing by the window while I was changing into my new dress. I paired it with silver heels that Julia lent me and kept my face void of any makeup except for some tinted lip balm. The girls did my hair straightening it with a middle part. Totally opposite form my unruly, natural curly hair.

After modelling in Julia's garden with Deana for her Instagram, I hugged my friends goodbye and went to find Leeroy.

Arriving back at the apartment, I stepped out of the elevator and into the kitchen that was engulfed in smoke with the smoke alarms going off.

I covered my nose to not inhale the smoke and looked to see Alexander in a three-piece suit perspiring while fanning the baking sheet with an oven mitt.

I held back my laugh at the comical sight in front of me. "Good evening, Mister," I smiled and went to open all the windows.

He jerked up in surprise and his eyes widened at the sight of me. "Rachel, you're not supposed to be here so early," he quickly let out panicked and then checked his wrist watch in visible confusion. "How the fuck is it 7pm already?"

I turned the oven off and took the mitts and baking sheet from him and dumped it in the sink while opening the tap. I couldn't even tell what he was trying to cook. It was all black.

He took off his suit jacket and used a kitchen napkin to wipe his forehead and his neck. I handed him a glass of water and rubbed his shoulder in comfort. He looked extremely panicked and overwhelmed. He gulped down the glass in one go and cursed himself.

Once again I bit back my laugh and observed how flustered he was at trying to cook for me.

"Ah... Well..."

"Yes?" I asked with a big smile and leaned on the kitchen counter on one elbow.

"Fast food, Chinese, Indian or Italian?" he asked and whipped out his cellphone ready to place an order.

"How about Thai?"

"Of course," he said all embarrassed and placed our usual order.

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