Chapter 22

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Rachel's POV

Last night was so special. I loved the way Alexander treated me and he made me feel so happy. After our swim which ended at 3am, we both showered and went to bed.

Now I was awake and getting ready for the day while Alexander was back to his study. I wore a pastel pink sun dress with matching sandals and made my way downstairs to get started on breakfast.

I didn't have to cook but I wanted to. Alexander often protested saying that he has people for that but I brushed him off. I finished preparing our breakfast when he strolled down to me looking handsome as always.

"Hey, princess. Come with me, I have something for you," he said and took my hand in his pulling me away from the kitchen.

"What is it?" I asked as he led me outside to the driveway. He covered my eyes with his hands as we walked.

He removed his hand and told me to open my eyes and when I did I stood still in surprise. In front of me was a blue BMW i8. It was so gorgeous. It was the exact same car that I had a picture of in my diary.

I turned to Alexander beaming, "Is this for me?"

He dangled the keys in front of me and smiled. "I told you, princess. I'll make all of your dreams come true."

He handed me the keys and I immediately ran to the car inspecting the beauty. "Wow..." I muttered in astonishment. I really liked this car because it wasn't extremely sporty yet it still had that wow factor.

Alexander simply watched me as I ran around my new car admiring all the features like a kid in a candy store.

I laughed and went up to him to give him a big hug and thank him. I was glad to see that he hugged me back without any hesitation. "Thank you. I can't believe this is my new car! But I'm sure you know that I can't drive."

Alexander nodded at me and then pointed behind me where Leeroy stood along with another unknown man.

"That is your driving instructor. Leeroy will accompany you and Jock will follow behind. Just to make sure you are safe," Alexander stated as he kissed my forehead.

"You always have everything sorted out," I laughed at him.

"It's a relatively easy car to drive. You'll have no problem. Go on, I want you back before lunch so that we can discuss what you want to do. I hope you've decided and made your choice."

I nodded at him, "Yes, kind of. But we'll talk about that later. For now I'm going to drive my new car!" I squealed and ran over to the drivers seat.

*  *  *

When I got back home, Alexander was nowhere to be found. He told me to be home before lunch and here I was, but he had disappeared.

My driving lesson went extremely well. Adrian- the driving teacher- said that I'm a natural and one of the best first time drivers he's ever had to teach. I was so ecstatic to be able to have the privilege to drive, to have a sense of independence and empowerment.

All thanks to Alexander

It was already past dinner time and he still wasn't home. I had called him and texted him but he didn't respond. I even phoned Leeroy to ask him if he knew anything. I sat patiently by the breakfast counter waiting for him to arrive.

I checked my phone numerous times but he still didn't respond.

He wouldn't just leave me and abandon me right?

It was already past midnight and he still wasn't home. "Where is he?!" I yelled in frustration as I checked my phone once again.

I went up to the bedroom and laid down with my phone right by my side. Eventually I fell into a very restless sleep and kept on waking up throughout the night checking for any notifications.

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