Chapter 5

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Rachel's POV 

"Who's a pretty girl? Yeah? Who's a gorgeous little lady?" I childishly babbled while changing Lilly. I laughed as she made noises and grabbed her 2 feet in the air. I had just finished giving Lilly a bath and now it was her time to feed and then nap.

It was a few weeks later and I had not seen Alexander since I bumped into him. He was always out of the mansion, always disappearing. Not that I should care though... it was none of my concern where he goes, what he does and who he does.

I rolled my eyes at the last thought.

I will admit that he was drop dead gorgeous, and kind to an extent. He wasn't extremely rude although he did like to brood most of the time.

Today's allocated chore for me was maintenance of the garden. This was usually Jocelyn's thing because it was the most pleasant from all chores however Yvette assigned me to it since Jocelyn complained to her earlier this morning that it was too hot to be outside.

I groaned at the thought of digging, planting, watering and doing all garden stuff in this scorching heat. The sun was blazing today and undoubtedly, no matter how much sunscreen I would rub all over me – not that I actually had any, I'd still end up sunburnt.

I finished tending to Lilly and made my way downstairs. Lunch was being prepared and I decided to help set the table since I was procrastinating going out in the sun.

However, I couldn't even do that because Jocelyn always has to thrive off my pain. She gave me an ugly glare and pushed me from setting the plates properly. "This is my job you cow. Shoo outside. Yvette assigned you to the garden. Not here with me," she spat out brutally and bumped me on my shoulder as she walked past me.

Just then, to my absolute good fortune, Yvette walked in and yelled at me to get outside and make sure that that first 3 flower beds were properly cultivated before I went on my break today or else she'd have to rethink my position in this household because of how disappointing I am.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Jocelyn and another maid, Raquel, snicker at me.

I went outside and decided to just get it done as fast as possible. 3 flower beds cultivated, then I could have a break as Yvette said. It was such a tedious and painful job.

These flower beds look like they haven't been properly cared for in weeks. I wonder what Jocelyn should do out here. Nonetheless I got on my knees and got down and dirty.

I was barely done with the first one when all the other maids went on their break. I guess they decided to taunt me even more because all of them came outside and sat on the garden benches in the shade while eating their food. I never got along with anyone of them. Nobody seemed to like my company no matter how hard I tried to put myself out there. Eventually I gave up because you can't force friends. I didn't have a single friend, which is fine because I also didn't have any time so it worked out perfectly.

I looked at them for a split second and they menacingly waved at me. Immediately I looked down and wiped the sweat from my forehead. As a result of that, I had black soil smeared all over my head. I groaned even more when I heard them laugh at me.

I felt like crying because I hated being humiliated. I think they realized that because their laughter only intensified. However in a short second, it stopped and I heard multiple gasps from all of them.

Again I looked at them and saw that they were staring at the second floor balcony. Alexander was there, leaning against the railing with a cup of coffee in his hand. It seemed as if he had just woken up since his hair was messy and he was shirtless, only in grey sweats. His beautiful teal eyes glowing in the sun and his biceps protruding a little bit extra today.

He seemed slightly annoyed as he looked at the rest of the maids, a tinge of anger sparking through him but then he turned to look at me and he lightly smiled. He stood for a few more minutes watching me as I dug in the soil but then he disappeared back inside.

"OMG you guys, did you see that? I mean he obviously smiled at me!" Jocelyn squealed loud enough for me to hear. From where I was I looked at her in disbelief. I shook my head at her antics and just continued with my work. I need to finish this so that I can go on my break.

*  *  *

It was nearing the end of the day when Madison arrived back home. I don't think she even remembers that she has a baby. Poor Lilly. I feel terribly sorry for her. Not that Madison was a bad person, she simply had her priorities misplaced.

I had collected all of her shopping bags from her car and was heading up to put them away. I knocked on her door to enter and I saw her once again getting ready to leave. Only this time she was dressed on a gold bathing suit and had her sunglasses perched up on her head. She looked at me and gestured for me enter.

I neatly set the bags on her bed while she threw a netted cover up over her bikini, slipped on some flip flops and left.

Opening the bags, I frowned in envy. I don't think I could even dream of buying such expensive clothing items and jewellery like she has. I went to her massive closet and started to place all of it away.

I could see the diamond necklace shimmering in the light as I was placing the other items away. I was really tempted to try it on and see how I look but if someone caught me, I'd be in a lot of trouble.

Madison has already left and Jocelyn is in the other wing.

I should really resist temptation but it's not as if I'm stealing it. I'm simply trying it on.

I finished place everything away but I had left the gorgeous necklace for last. I peeped out the door to make sure that nobody was looking and scurried back to the closet. I took out the necklace from its box and held it with my hands.

"Wow.." I muttered in awe. It was so shiny, so beautiful. I smiled as I picked it up and walked to the mirror.

I gently placed it on my neck and held it in place. A sad smile crept its way on my face. I really loved jewellery. I always have. While still in elementary school, the prettiest girl there, Claire, always wore jewellery and when I saw what she had, I often gawked at her. She complained that I was harassing her and unfortunately, I was not allowed to be close to her.

I then started making my own jewellery from whatever beads and wire I could find. They all often laughed, but it gave me a sense of worth.

Suddenly, I heard someone clear their throat and in shock, I dropped the necklace causing it to fall and the chain part snapped and disassembled.

"Oh my goodness," I whispered and frantically bent down trying to pick up the pieces.

"Oh no, oh no, crap!" I chanted in panic. Now what am I going to do! Madison and Yvette are going to skin me alive. They are going to kill me!

Big footsteps made their way to me and I was roughly pulled up by my arm.

"Are you not even listening to me?" Alexander probed.

I looked up at him and yanked my hand away. "You startled me and I dropped the necklace and now Madison and Yvette are going to kill me and now I'm going to lose my job," I distraughtly said all in one go. 

He laughed at me. He had the actual audacity to laugh at me. "Relax princess, Madison won't even notice. Chuck it in the box and leave it."

I glared at him. I tried to place the pieces back together but it was no use. Alexander simply watched me as I failed. "Did you need something?" I asked.

He shook his head, "Not really, was just wondering where you were," and with that he walked out leaving me alone trying to fix the mess I made. 

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