Not Alone (Chapter 8)

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Chapter 8

“Candice, can you pick me up?” Christina asked Candice on the phone. “I’m right here at the convenience store near Adam’s house.”

“Alright, I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Christina waited for her friend for about 15 minutes. She got in the car and without a word, she started crying. Candice didn't know why but she tried to calm her down. She stopped for a while in Starbucks so they could talk.

“What’s wrong Christina? What happened?” she asked.

“Something happened between Adam and I,” Christina admitted.

“What? I thought you two were over?”

“Yes. But…. Have you watched the show? Have you listened to all the things he said? And then, I was waiting for you last night, and when you didn't show up, he offered me a ride. Instead of taking me home, he brought me to his house. I don’t know, I just gave in. I couldn't stop myself. I love him so much, Candice. And now, it hurts me so much not to see him anymore,” she cried. Candice didn't say anything at all. She just comforted her friend until she stopped crying. She felt like  it’s the only thing she needed right now. She ordered Christina’s favorite and took her home.

“Christina, call me if you need someone, okay?” Candice said to her.

Christina just nodded at her and went inside her house. At home, she saw Max playing with his favorite toy. She walked to him and kissed him.

“How’s my baby boy?” she asked.

“I’m good, mommy!” Max answered.

“Baby, mommy’s tired, you wanna come with me upstairs?”

“No mommy, I want to stay here and play.”

When Christina realized he was so busy with what he’s playing, she decided to go to her room and take a rest. She gave Max another kiss.

In her room, she saw gifts. One from her mom, another one from her sister, and then one from Matt, which was probably sent here, from Candice, and from her other friends. She opened them one by one. She was so happy with all the gifts. But she was just so tired, so she put them inside her closet first and took a shower. She just lay down on her bed for a while and didn’t realize she fell asleep.

It was already 3pm when Christina woke up. She wasn’t expecting to sleep that long. She went downstairs to grab something to eat. Max went to her and hugged her so tight.

“Mommy, I want a new daddy,” he said. Christina was surprised by this. She wasn't sure what to respond.

“Aw, baby. Maybe someday soon, Mommy can find a right daddy for you,” she said. “And besides, you still see your dad every weekend, don’t you like that?”

“I like seeing daddy. But I want someone who can play with me everyday like you mommy,” Max didn't wait for her to answer instead he kissed her mom on the cheeks and went back to living room and play with his toys. The thought of this makes Christina sad. She knows her son needed a daddy who’ll grow up with him, who he will see every day and kiss every day. But she just kept telling her mind, she’ll find someone someday, just not now.

Behati was feeling dizzy. She felt like she was about to throw up. She was all alone in her little unit and she wasn't feeling well. Instead of calling some of her friends, she called Adam.

“Hello, Bee,” Adam said on the other line.

“Can you come over here Adam? I’m not feeling well,” Behati asked.

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know. It must have been the baby.”

Adam hangs up the phone. Behati was left speechless. She was so upset. Adam didn't say anything at all. So, it’s like that now. He doesn't care anymore. She threw her phone across the room feeling the pain on her head. She sat on the couch for awhile just to rest her head and her body. A few moments later, someone knocked on the door. It was Adam. He was carrying foods. He handed her also a medicine. Her anger has finally diminished.

“Is this safe?” Behati asked.

“Yes, it won’t affect the baby. I asked the pharmacist to give me the safest medicine that you can have.”

“Thank you!”

For a moment, both of them just stay silent. Adam handed her fruits to eat and an orange juice. They just ate in silence. Behati kept looking at him trying to figure out if there’s something he wants to say. But Adam didn't notice. He just kept on staring outside. His gaze was so far away. Behati stood up from where she was sitting and sat next to him.

“Are you thinking of her?” she asked. Adam was surprised with her question. He looked at her and he could feel like somehow he needed to tell her what he feels.

“Yes,” he said.

“I saw what you did for her yesterday on the show,” she began. She remembered how she felt while watching it. She was so sad. For Adam, and of course, for herself. While watching that, she knew Adam would never love her the way he loved Christina. “You must be really sad right now that she’s leaving. Adam, if you love her, don’t give up on her. I think I can handle this alone anyway.”

Adam just looked at Behati when she said those words. He couldn't imagine her saying that she could handle this alone. No, he wouldn't let her. He didn't want to be away from his child. Besides, Christina and he already talked about this, and Christina wouldn't accept him anymore if he didn't take responsibilities for his child, anyway. “Behati, I can’t let you handle this alone. I will be on your side.”

“But, Adam---“

“Shhh… We’ll go through this together, ok?” he assured her. Behati didn't expect him say those things, knowing that he’s still hurt, that he still loves Christina. She reached out for his hands and held him while they stare at the sky together. She hopes that everything will be fine starting at this point. She will never let go of him anymore. Never.

To be continued.......

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