Secrets (Chapter 4)

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She heard the phone ringing. She rose up from bed immediately to answer it. She thought who would call her so early in the morning. It wasn't even 6 yet.

“Hello,” she said.

“Hey, Bee, you busy today?” Adam asked her. She could hear the tiredness in his voice.

“ I've got a lunch planned today but if this is something important, I’d be willing to cancel it,” at first she was hesitant to say what she just said but then she realized maybe it’s time to talk about their child.

“I’ll come over by 9,” he finally said.

After hanging up the phone, Behati readied herself. She took a shower, ate her breakfast, cleaned the house, and ran to the grocery to get some foods. She felt a little nervous with Adam coming over. She already prepared herself to what Adam decision about the baby might be. He won’t give this up, she said to herself. Almost certain that Adam would let her keep it and they would raise the child together. She admits it. She still loves Adam. If what happened at the bar, never really happened, she was sure they would still be together. But when they last talked, she couldn't tell if Adam was happy at all that they will be having their baby. Yes, in her mind, she had hurt his feelings. He might still be angry at her but she already explained herself and thought the baby was enough for him to get back to her. But she couldn't read his mind. When she went home that day, she kept on thinking, had he moved on already? That fast? Had he been seeing other girls lately that made him acted the way he did when he saw her at the studio? She kept on thinking. Until, her thoughts traveled back in the day where they spent the night making love. It was perfect, at least to her. She wasn't expecting that on that one night, a human being will be formed inside her belly.

Adam arrived at Behati’s unit exactly at 9. He was wearing his usual outfit, white shirt, denim pants. Before he even knocks, the door opened. Behati let him in. He sat on the couch while Bee sat on the chair next to it. “I came by just to see if you’re doing fine,” he said as Bee poured an apple juice in a glass already set on the center table.

“I’m good. Nothing strange is happening to me yet,” she assured him.

Adam forced a smile. “That’s good.”

“So, what are we going to do? I mean, with the baby.”

“I don’t know. I've been thinking about this all night.”

“You don’t want to keep it?” she asked a little worried with what he’s going to say.

“No. I’m not saying that and I don’t like that idea. We will keep it,” he claimed.

“Then, we’ll keep it. Was it really that hard? I could tell my parents about this and they’ll be thrilled.”

“Yes, you can tell them. There wasn't any problem for you, but for me!”

“What do you mean?” she asked. She was waiting for him to answer. She could see in his eyes he finds this situation very tough. But why, she thought. Isn't he supposed to be happy?

“I don’t know how to say this to Christina,” he finally said.

“Christina? You mean, Christina Aguilera?”


“Why? She’s your friend.”

“She’s more than a friend to me, Bee. When you cheated on me, she was the one who comforted me. She was the only one who could make me laugh. Even before I dated you, I already have this infatuation for her. But I couldn’t make the move because she was in a relationship. Then I met you. I thought everything will be fine. I had everything focused on you! I loved you, Bee! I tried to forget about my feelings for her just so I wouldn't be unfair to you! But, it was hard. And then, you cheated on me!”

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